„Do you want to eat here or do you have a date?" she asked, looking deep into Billy's eyes to find out why he was so quiet.
Normally, he would've yelled at her by now or maybe even hit her but he just stood there.

„No date" he finally muttered, sitting down at the table as Max heated up the food.

„So...do you want to talk about earlier?" Max asked, looking over at her brother who visibly stiffened.
„There's nothing to talk about" he whispered, voice shaking a little.

„Well I think there is, I didn't know you liked playing baby like some weirdo" Max teased.
She didn't really care if he did it or not, but this was Billy, and having something against him could safe her ass more times than she'd like to admit.

The redhead turned around to put some of the boiled carrots and mashed potatoes on both of their plates, but stopped to turn around when no response came from Billy.
He usually would've yelled at her by now or pushed her to the floor or some stuff, so not hearing any movement from him confused Max.

When she looked over at the dinner table, her heart ached at the sight.
Billy had lowered his head, biting down at his bottom lip, obviously trying to hold back tears that already formed in the corners of his eyes.

Max sighed, grabbing cutlery for the both of them and brought the plates over, setting Billy's in front of him and sitting down.
„I'm sorry, I shouldn't make fun of you for it" she spoke softly, carefully trying to grab his hand.

Surprisingly enough, he let her.
But still, there was no sound coming over his lips, so the younger girl continued.
„Do you maybe want to explain to me what was going on? I promise I won't tell anyone" she smiled reassuring at her brother, who just quietly shook his head no.

„That's okay too. We can just have dinner now and never talk about it again, I don't really care. But eat now, please, mom cooked for us."
With that, Max let go off his hand and started eating, shooting quick glances over at Billy from time to time.
He barely touched his food, only pushing it over the plate.

„Billy, I'm not asking you again. You haven't eaten anything all day if I'm not mistaken. You're not getting up until at least half of that plate is empty" she said sternly, waiting for her brother to look at her confused, but he did pick up his fork again and started eating slowly.
Max smiled softly at him, and went on with her own plate.

Once Billy had finished shortly after her, surprisingly having eaten everything, Max brought the dishes into the kitchen and turned around to look at the other through the window that lead from the kitchen into the dining area.

They stared at each other for a minute, before Billy took a shaky breath and looked down again.

„It helps sometimes" he whispered, Max raising her eyebrows.
„What was that? You gotta speak up a little, Billy" she smiled, realising he wanted to tell her what had been going on earlier.

„I don't know what it is, or why I'm doing it, but sometimes when I don't feel like an adult anymore that helps me with being calm" Billy explained, looking down again as he finished.
„Okay, thank you for telling me" Max smiled, coming back to the table.

„And you were doing that earlier? Is that right?" she asked, wanting to make sure.
Billy nodded, and so did Max after thinking for a second.
„Okay" she simply said, leaving the dining room.

Billy looked after her in a mixture of fear and confusion, not being sure what he should think of this encounter.
It had taken him every last bit of bravery in his body to even leave his room again and not hide forever.
But Max didn't seem to really care, which was a big relief for him.

„By the way, can you drop me off at the arcade tomorrow?" the redhead asked, her head peaking through the door again.
Billy nodded quietly, now getting up as well.

„Thanks Billy" she smiled, and the blond passed her in the hallway.
Before he could enter his room though, Max stopped him, grabbing his arm gently.

„If you need company while doing this kid stuff, come see me okay? I'm not gonna judge you" she smiled, and Billy felt a blush creeping up his neck.
„Don't get ahead of yourself shithead" he muttered, stopping when he felt Max not letting go off his arm.

„That wasn't very nice Billy, I would like you to apologise" she spoke softly but in a stern manner, making the boy shiver slightly.
„I'm sorry Max" he muttered, looking at her.

The redhead smiled, finally letting him go.
„There we go. Good job for apologising, Billy" she said, leaving him standing in the hallway as she went into her room.

Billy whined quietly, entering his room.
He didn't like what just happened, but on the other hand it had felt nice, being put in his place. He felt like Max didn't even wait for him to come to her when he was feeling small but rather just went along with it and helping him being little.

The blond flopped down onto his bed and pulled a stuffed toy from the space between the bed and wall.
It was a blue dog with matted fur and scratched beaded eyes, but it was the only toy he still had that his momma had given him when he was little.

Now he hugged the toy tightly, his thumb slowly finding its way into his mouth.
Taking a small nap wouldn't hurt, would it? Neil would only be back on Sunday and it was Friday, so he had plenty of time to relax for a bit.

So Billy closed his eyes slowly, sighing in content when the darkness surrounded him.

Max on the other hand was still awake, thinking about their conversation earlier.
She hadn't even noticed that she took over a babysitting role just then but now she did.
But Billy didn't talk back and even did as she asked, so how bad could it really be?

She rolled over, grabbing a comic book since she wasn't tired yet, normally not being able to sleep for at least a few hours after the house was quiet.

But tonight was different, as about two hours into Max reading her book, there was a soft knock on the door.
The redhead raised her eyebrows, waiting for another knock since she was almost sure she imagined it.
They were alone, and Billy never knocked.
He always barged in, not caring about her comfort.

But there was a second knock on the door, and Max put her book down.
„Come in" she said, loud enough to be heard outside, but not quiet shouting.
The door opened with a creek, and Billy sneaked in her room, clinging onto a stuffed toy and tears in his eyes.

„Sissy?" he whispered, looking absolutely terrified.
Max quickly pulled back her blanket to make space for her brother and patted on the mattress next to her.

„What's wrong Bills?" she asked worriedly as the blond sat down next to her, now the girl also noticed he was shaking a little.

„Had a bad dream" he whispered, wiping over his running nose.
It was obvious that he had been crying for a bit, eyes red and puffy, and Max guessed he had debated to come over to her for quiet a bit before actually doing it.

„Awh, poor little thing" she cooed, pulling him into a hug.
Billy was hesitating at first, not really letting himself relax until Max started to softly pat his hair.
It reminded Billy of the way his mother used to cuddle him after a bad dream, and he softly started crying again.
Max didn't know what to do so she just held her brother, letting him get the bad emotions out of his system.

Soon she realised the boy had cried himself to sleep in her arms, clinging tightly to her, so she didn't even try to move away, accepting the fact that her brother needed her.
Despite the fact that she had every right to not give him this type of comfort with how he treated her, she wanted to.
She wanted to be there for Billy, since no one else was.

So she turned off the lamp on her nightstand, putting the book on it and fell asleep shortly after Billy, arms secured around him.

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