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"No I'm- I'm not crazy I swear to god you need to believe me!" She cried into Jeno's arms as he attempted to console her, hot tears running down her face as she frantically looked towards the nurses rushing towards Jaemin

"You believe me right?" She asked with tears clouding her eyes and Jeno met hers with his confused ones.

"Yeseul, you're tired and-"

"You don't believe me" she said with a scoff, using the back of her hand to wipe her tears

"It's not that I don't believe need to calm down a little bit" Jeno said as he felt her pull away from him. His eyes flickered between the sad ones of Jaemin's grandfather and the desperate ones of Yeseul.

"Let's wait to see what the doctor says" his grandfather stated with a low voice and Yeseul felt bad for shocking them all, running out of the room shouting that Jaemin was finally awake. She wasn't wrong for thinking so either.

While she updated him on how her life was now with Jeyi and Jeno, holding his hand she felt the slightest ever movement, almost a flinch. She had looked down and his fingers had twitched again, she didn't know what else to do except to feel happy.

"Muscle twitches are common during comas however they are a sign of the patient's condition worsening, it shows that the anaesthesia has affected their movement at the primary motor cortex" Kun explained to Jaemin's grandfather from a distance, not enough space for her to not hear.

"That means he's getting worse?! Are you even doing anything? I trusted you..." Yeseul cried to Kun but Jeno slowly pulled her away

"Yeseul you need to calm down, you're not the only one hurting" Jeno said with a frown as he saw Jaemin's grandfather enter into a separate room with Kun. Her eyes softened at the words, he was right. But at the same time she believed she had every right to act this way.

"No...but I'm the only one carrying his child. Sorry but...I'm not only worrying for me but I'm worrying for my kid as well. How do you expect us to survive without him?" She mumbled through her tears.

"You have me...I'll help you any way i ca-"

"You're not'll never be" she whispered, walking away from him slowly as her brother frowned at the sight of his sister in pain.

"I'll go talk to her" Chenle said, patting Jeno's shoulder. Jeno wasn't one to lie to himself, what she said hurt him a lot. It hurt that he'll never be good enough for her. Then again, he never expected her to look at him again like she did the first night they met. Her heart belonged to someone else. And maybe one day his would as well.


She herself was tired of all the moping around she had been doing at the sake of missing Jaemin's presence. She couldn't bring herself to go over to his place anymore, lying within the bed that was once his wearing old shirts that now smelled like her, not him. With her bump growing quickly as well she was barely even let outside anywhere without someone with her.

Chenle came over more often to help out his sister while others were at work, Jisung came a few times when he could run away from his manager, often head butting with Chenle as they both argued about who the better 'brother' was, yet they didnt know how lucky Yeseul felt to have them both around her. Still they were young boys, not knowing exactly what to do to help out a pregnant woman and she didn't mind.

The more she missed him, the more she had learnt to get by without him. She managed her own weight, managed her own worries, slept through the night, the memory of him getting shorter and the feeling of his touch disappeared.

'Will he love me if He sees me again?' Was the big question that she couldn't choke out to anyone knowing that all they will do is rush to comfort her as much as they could.

But she truly wondered if they would be happy if he woke up to this life. Waking up from a coma after months only to see that he now has to care for a family. Wouldn't he wake up wanting to live his best life, doing things he had never done before and living life on the edge, after all he was young as well.

She shook the thoughts out of her head as she placed her head onto the pillow once more. The unsettling feeling of nausea slowly creeping back into her stomach, forcing herself to get out of her bed groggily and return to the bathroom. She seated herself on the cold tile floor, becoming used to this as she had done it countless times before.

Her eyes teared up naturally, the growing sensation of her throat burning, preparing to pour out the contents that didn't settle well while her mouth salivated uncontrollably. She tried to be patient, but god she was tired. She just wanted to rest.

She closed her eyes, trying her best to calm herself through the situation that was soon bringing her to real tears, her lips quivered in pain as she could no longer handle it. Unknowingly she spent the whole night in the locked bathroom, head resting on the toilet as she fell asleep waiting for her body to throw up like it usually did. However nothing, she didn't even have enough energy to do that.

The constant ringing of her phone went completely out of her hearing range as she cried herself into a pitiful slumber. Praying that the only man that could ever save her from this point on would return.

knight in amor | na jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now