Locked in heaven

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The sound of the keycard unlocking the door made Yeseul sit up straight away from the bed where she was previously hugging her pillow trying to stop the annoying sounds erupting in her head.

"Y-you came back?" She asked Jaemin who entered the room, surprised to see her awake. His eyes slowly melted at the sight of her messy hair and teary cheeks.

"I promised I would, now, why were you crying?" He asked in a soft, sweet voice.

"My head hurts" she said and he nodded, lifting up the duvet to get into the bed, leaving some space between him and her yet she only moved closer to him no matter how further he moved away.

"I'm here now, try get some sleep" Jaemin said with a sigh as pat her back slowly as she laid half on top of him. Her body was shaking from the cold, a common side effect while she was getting cold sweats.

"My head hurts" she winced again

"I know, i know...you can get through this okay? Just close your eyes and listen to my voice... remember to breathe" he said softly, calming her down almost immediately with his voice.

His heart felt at ease for once, usually it was something he wouldn't be able to keep under his control yet it was doing perfectly fine.

It wasn't in his plans to spend the night in bed with the girl, he had spreadsheets he had to finish and assignments due for college yet here he was, cuddled up to her. He never spent the night with any girl. For him, flings and sex usually just ended up in him telling the girl to leave after they were done. He was incapable of loving anyone, the last time he had trusted a girl fully with all his heart, she had left him, moved to another country without telling him. The pain he felt didn't go away that easily.

Since a young age Jaemin was suffering from Atrial Fibrillation. The stress and doctor visits were all he could really remember from his childhood. He wasn't allowed to play with lots of other kids, go on fun school trips, play any sports outside in the school yard, he was deprived of lots of things. At some stage his parents had got a divorce as they kept fighting with each other, leaving Jaemin in his mother's care. And eventually, she couldn't handle raising him all by herself so she did something Jaemin could never forgive her for. She left him, a small young child with a suitcase and his favourite stuffed teddy in his hand on his grandfather's porch. Jaemin grew up in his Grandfather's care, his parents couldn't be traced down at all. Although his grandfather found it extremely hard to raise a boy at his old age, he couldn't imagine letting Jaemin go through the foster system. If his own parents couldn't care enough to support him with his illness then who would?

Now Jaemin was in college, with friends that understood his condition and help him if he needed help with anything, he grew close to doctor's and nurses. Oftentimes he would even visit the childrens hospital, where he spent most of his time, to talk to other kids, read them stories, and play with them.


"Shit" Yeseul groaned as she sat up slowly from the bed which was a lot bigger than she remembered.

"What the fuck happened?" She spoke to herself as her eyes adjusted to the light coming in through the window, shining onto objects and furniture that were in too much of a good condition to be hers.

She turned to her side to see a completely clean and made up bed with the covers in place, a bright pink post it on the pillow.

'Went out to grab some food for you'

"J? Jeyi? Why the hell am I in a hotel then?" She asked herself trying to remember events from last night yet she shook her head from the slight pain

She grabbed her phone that was beside her bed stand, surprisingly still alive.

Jeyi: yo where u at

Jeyi: slow down on them drinks girl

Jeyi: do you know that guy?

Jeyi: where are u going?


Jeyi: did Jaemin drive you home?

Jeyi: i just finished my shift and i cant see you and Jaemin in the car park

Jeyi: call me as soon as you see this text or I'm filing a missing person report

"Jaemin? That customer?" She asked herself as she got out of the bed, rereading the texts.

"Was I spiked?" She asked again to no one in particular as her veins filled with anger at the thought of her being spiked by a rich guy that could do whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted.

"That fucking asshole!" She shouted and in just a matter of seconds the door unlocked and Jaemin appeared

"Oh. You're awake? I bought some pastries, I didn't know what you liked so I just got two of everything" Jaemin said placing the bags of food onto the table as she burned her eyes in his back

"How are you feeling?" Jaemin asked and she shrugged. She was angry, upset, confused and most of all, humiliated.

"You looked pretty bad last night. I'm glad that guy didn't get w chance to do anything else to y-"

"What guy?" She asked, meeting his eyes finally

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Jaemin asked and she shook her head

"Eat first, I'll fill you in with the details. The hospital report finally came in my email this morning"

"H-hospital? I went to the hospital?" She asked surprised with her mouth left open and Jaemin sighed, taking a piece of the croissant and popping it into her mouth

"Eat first" he said and she slowly obeyed his orders as her stomach was quick to grumble.

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