100 reasons to stay

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"I see the way you look at him-"

"It's not the way i look at you..." she reasoned with Jaemin as he tried to tell her that Jeno would always be there to love her in the event that Jaemin will soon cease to exist. He squeezed his eyes shut as he leaned back onto the sofa, allowing Yeseul to straddle his lap with her legs on either side of his body.

"You can sit here and give me a thousand reasons to forget about you and spend the rest of my life with Jeno but it's not going work" she said with a huff and his eyes slanted down in sadness at her determination

"Why not? He's a nice guy and I know he would take care of you as well, you'll both learn to love each other just like you love me. It'll be as if....i never exis-"

"I don't care about Jeno! I don't want him I want you! What happened to the guy who said he will give me everything i want?" She asked cocking up and brow and he lowly chuckled as she was persistent to let him know that she was going to get exactly what she wanted

"I can't promise you much but for now I can buy you ice cream" Jaemin said with a smile and she rolled her eyes

"I love you and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you no matter what you say" she huffed and he chuckled

"Okay okay! So ice cream?" He asked and she smiled at him, grabbing both sides of his face to pull him into a kiss which he smiled into.

"Let's go, stop wasting time!" He chuckled in-between her pecks

"Why~ don't you love me?!" She protested as she continued to pepper his face with kisses. It was clear that Jaemin's face was growing red as she felt his cheeks turning hot under her touch. Jaemin was indeed flustered, as a guy who usually showers the ones he loves with infinite hugs and kisses to the point where they're annoyed by him, it was definitely new for him to have someone else do it to him.

"Your face is red, it's good to know i still have that effect on you" she said with a smirk and he cleared his throat so his voice wouldn't crack from embarrassment which was creeping up on him

"Where's your confidence coming from all of a sudden?" He asked with a playful scoff as she left his lap to grab a sheet of paper and a marker.

"So no ice cream?" Jaemin pouted as he saw her get busy with other things around the desk he usually worked at

"You're lactose intolerant anyway" She mumbled and he stood up to stand behind her while she sat on his office chair.

100 reasons to stay

"What's this?" He asked, placing his chin on the top of her head as she scribbled the words at the top of the blank page

"I'm going to write up 100 reasons why you should look forward to spending your life with me after your surgery" she said and he couldn't help but smile

"What's reason number one?" He asked cutely

"You get to spend your life with me, duh" She said and he chuckled, ruffling the top of her head before walking back into the kitchen

"Don't even think about drinking alcohol" She said, not ripping her eyes away from the page and he sighed.

"Fine" he muttered as he reached for a cup of tea instead of the finely ageing wine sitting in the cabinet

"What's the one thing you've always wanted to do, but couldn't because of your heart problem?" She asked and he hummed as he thought about his answer

"Rob a bank?" He answered jokingly and she rolled her eyes

"Take this seriously! Theft isn't cute" She mumbled

"I stole your heart though" he said with a wink and laughed as she made vomiting sounds at his terrible pick up line

"Fine fine...umm, I've never been on a roller coaster" he said and she smiled, writing it down on the page

"I haven't been surfing in a long time as well with Jeno" he added and she continued writing onto the sheet.

As he kept stating all the things he couldn't do, she couldn't help but pity him. So much of his life was taken away and she knew she had to make him realise that life was worth living for.

"Reason number 97, we can go ice skating together and I don't need to call an ambulance every-time you fall, reason number-"

"What makes you think I'll fall?" He asked with a pout

"Shush, you're interrupting me" she said, her eyes glazing back over the list

"Reason number 97-"

"You already did that one-"

"Stop interrupting me!" She whined and he found it cute how she got suddenly angered by him

"Come here" he said with a sweet voice and a giddy smile

"I'm not done my list yet" she pouted

"I'll still be here tomorrow, you can finish it then" he said with a chuckled as he pulled her wrist, dragging her off the desk chair and towards his bedroom

"I want to sleep! It's like 4am!" He whined as he carefully but still harshly slammed her body along with his onto his bed, not caring whether she was in uncomfortable jeans or not, he had enough of her whining today.

"I get it, okay! Let me go wash my face at least!" She screamed from underneath him but it only came out muffled as his weight pressed over her.

"Reason number 98, i get to fall asleep next to you...reason number 99, i get to wake up next to you. Reason number 100...i get to do it all again the next day" Jaemin mumbled as he closed his eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep, arms slowly loosening around her body so she could make herself comfortable as well.

"How can you say such sweet things, your grandmother raised you well" She said with a chuckle and she saw a lazy smile plant onto his lips as he was still half awake.

"Im glad she likes you" Jaemin mumbled in his sleep

"She must mean a lot to you hmm?" She mumbled as she found peace in the crook of his neck like a love sick cat.

"I can't imagine how messed up of a person I would've been if it wasn't for her" he said, voice drifting into lower octaves as he fell into a deep slumber.

She smiled into his neck, reaching up slowly to plant a small kiss onto his lips, making the boy unconsciously smile and reflex his arms tighter around her torso.

"Goodnight cutie" she mumbled and Jaemin hummed in response, not even registering the words that would have sent him into a fit of giggles and a ravenous blush across his cheeks.

knight in amor | na jaeminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang