The roommate

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"Y-yah! What the hell are you doing?!" She asked flustered with food in her mouth as his hand approached her forehead

"Relax I'm just checking if you have a fever-"

"I don't, please don't touch me" she said and he sighed. He wanted to make a small remark about how she was pretty much on top of him last night begging for hugs but he decided to let her carry her pride.

"Sorry" he apologised quickly, after all, they were still strangers.

"No prob..." she replied awkwardly at his surprisingly nice mannerisms

"So what happened last night?" She asked, crossing her legs as she sat on the bed but Jaemin was quick to scowl at her for bringing food onto the bed and she returned back to the desk chair.

"You were with some college guy and he drugged you, thankfully it was a normal amount and no signs of overdosing that will give you long term complications, the toxicology report from the doctor was sent this morning, it's just rohypnol...just avoid bright lights for the next few days, you'll get a headache" Jaemin said, summarising the events of last night and what Kun had told him.

"The fact that i work at a nightclub doesn't help" she muttered

"Take sick leave" he suggested

"There's no such thing apparently for us low lives, plus I can't afford to be on leave, i need to move out of my apartment" she said

"Are you getting evicted or something?" He asked

"Nope..worse" she sighed

"...what happened?" He asked but she shook her head

"Not really your problem, why bother listening?" She stated, tying her hair up into a bun

" need a place to stay-"

"I'm fine. I'm not a big fan of those knight in shining armour cliches. see you around" She said, standing up from the chair, collecting all her belongings.

Jaemin sighed as he saw the girl approach the door before she looked back at him. They exchanged a glance at each other, and she smiled, a grateful one.

"Thank you" she said with a bow and Jaemin respectfully bowed back to her and said to her just before she left,

"If you ever need anything,
you can find me here...Yeseul"


"DUDE!" Jeyi exclaimed as she heard Yeseul explain the story to her as they stared a bowl of ramen.

"What?" Yeseul asked as wiped the spicy sauce from her lips

"What do you mean 'what?'. THE NA JAEMIN, a chaebol, literally said you could stay at a hotel and y-"

"I don't like to be in debt, you know this!" Yeseul whined

"Am i an exception? You're staying over at my place!" Jeyi exclaimed

"Which is exactly why I will do the grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning.. AND your Friday night bartending shifts" Yeseul said with a sigh and Jeyi smiled back

"You know you don't have to right? Can't you just let people help you?" She asked and Yeseul shook her head

"The more i accept help, the more dependant i get" she sighed, standing up to clear away the bowls and cups from the low coffee table.

"You can take the bed tonight, I'll have the couch" Jeyi said and before Yeseul could disagree she stated,

"You slept in your car last night, i think you deserve a night without back pain"

Yeseul smiled and thanked her before washing the dishes and heading to Jeyi's room to wash up.

"Ah sorry-" Yeseul said in surprise as she walked into the hallway to see a boy taking off his sneakers

"Oh hey! You must be Yeseo?"

"Yeseul, nice to meet you. Sorry for bothering you" she said bowing to him and he shook his hands

"Its no bother at all, I'm Jungwoo" he said sticking out his hand for a handshake

"Let me know if you need anything" he said with a smile before opening his bedroom door and heading into his room

"He's super nice"

"And super hot" Jeyi replied in a dreamy voice as she stared at Nam Joohyuck on the TV

"Not him you weirdo, i meant your roommate" Yeseul said, grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen

"Oh yeah he's pretty hot too, not my type though" Jeyi said chewing on her popcorn as she went back to her kdramas

Yeseul walked back into the room and turned off the lights before getting into the covers. Playing the Backstreet Boys on shuffle on her phone, she couldn't help but reminisce the moments she would sing the songs with her brother, completely off key as well.

"If you ever need anything,
you can find me here...Yeseul"

"Ah stop it!" She muttered slapping herself

"He didn't actually mean it, he doesn't even fucking know you" she said, shaking her head as she closed her eyes once more, falling asleep to the familiar melody of an old song.

knight in amor | na jaeminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora