When work calls

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"Wait don't-" Jaemin cut off her sentence but splashing some of the water from the pool onto her face and she angrily splashed back at him, yet since he refused to get in the water he was luckily able to run away from her.

"Nana come here~" she cooed but he shook his head

"The water is too cold" he said and she pouted

"Plus the cocktails aren't too bad" Jaemin added on as he lied back on the lounge chairs, taking a sip from the red fruity drink as he watched her make her way towards him, drying herself off.

"You, my lovely dear husband, are boring as fuck" she said sitting down on his lap making his choke out a hearty laugh as he fixed his legs to make it more comfortable for them both.

"Sucks for you that you're stuck with me huh?" He smirked, grabbing the skin around her hips with his large hands softly, kneading her comfortingly.

"Should we go out for dinner tonight?" She asked and he opened his mouth slightly in shock

"I never took you out to a proper restaurant have I? Ah what's wrong with me lately?" he asked and she jokingly rolled her eyes

"Do you do this to every girl?" She asked with a tone and he scoffed

"Someone's a bit ungrateful today" he said, tightening his hands around her skin and she simply shrugged. The ringing of his phone from the table made the two of them rip their glances away from each other.

"Am i allowed to answer that?" Jaemin asked and she nodded, seeing the name illuminated on the screen. Jaemin had put the call on loudspeaker before haechan could say anything

"What's up hyuck?" Jaemin greeted with a sigh

"Am i interrupting something?" He chuckled over the phone

"Yup" Yeseul chimed making Jaemin smirk

"Aww that's too bad, anyway Jaem...your old man wants you home by 7 for the dinner party" Haechan said over the phone

"What dinner-"

"Seriously man, check your calendars! Grandpa rescheduled the dinner from Friday to tonight. It's about some overseas VIP meeting" haechan stated and Jaemin squeezed his eyes closed in realisation of how important the meeting was.

"You know you can't miss this one Jaem" haechan sighed and Jaemin opened his eyes to see a dissatisfaction laced on Yeseul's face as she listened in on the call

"I'm not going all the way up to Seoul just for some dinner...fuck it" Jaemin sighed, seeing Yeseul's eyes light up at his words.

"Yeah man, who cares what he says right?" Haechan agreed

"Yeah" Jaemin said, this time a much more smaller voice

".....so I'll send a car?"

"Yeah....send a car" Jaemin sighed. The sound of the call ending made them both release a breath they didn't know they had been holding

"Seriously?" Yeseul asked with a slight scoff

"Baby...you know if I could I would spend all my time in the world with y-"

"So why don't you? We're in Incheon! It's not like your grandad can drag you back"

"You'd be surprised" Jaemin sighed looking into her eyes pleadingly as he saw a sudden shift in them

"It's always work that comes first for you isn't it?" She choked out, standing up to her feet.

"Yeseul wait-" Jaemin sighed, cutting himself off as he watched the girl wrap a towel around her self, trudging away from him. He spent a few minutes rethinking exactly how he could talk to her, if he even should if she was in this mood. It was clear that ever since the beginning of the honeymoon it was all about work for him, and it was clear she was being neglected.

"Dad you sai-"

"I know what I said and I'm sorry but work comes first, you know this"

"It's always work! Mum would have taken me if she was still alive!"

"Meiyin and Yujin can take you to the playground, what's the issue?!"

"I wanted to go with you... you promised me you would take me this Saturday"

"Not all promises are made to be kept. Now...I need to get back to work"

The painful memories of her neglected childhood rushed through her mind, creeping up into her brain after years of shoving them away, trying to forget and disassociate herself with the man who was her father. Yet, Jaemin had seemed to bring out the worst in her.

"Yeseul...let's be mature and talk about this face to face" Jaemin said as he knocked onto the bathroom door, his eyes only softening as he heard the sniffles emit from inside

"I-I....could you please go away...i dont want to talk right now" she mumbled through sniffles as she tried to wipe the tears flowing down her face.

"I know you expected a lot over the next two days and I'm sorry that I keep my grandad and work on a pedestal but-"

"Jaemin...please! Go away" she begged and he sighed, backing away from the door

"You know you can talk to me right? About anything?" He asked. The lack of response from the girl made him realise she was used to shutting people out regardless of how much they were there for her

"And you don't have to come with me to the dinner...you can stay here if you'd prefer that. I just....really want you by my side...we'll get through this like everything else we've been through okay? Always and forever" Jaemin said, whispering the last bit hoping she would hear him. And she did.

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