Learning to love

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"You look beautiful" Jeno said with a lopsided smile as he walked into the bedroom, seeing her fully dressed in a long floral dress, showing her tiny bump poking through.

"My arms put on a bit of weight already" She said with a small pout, realising her bump was quite bigger than most mums online at 3 months. The thought of her even being blessed with twins is something she never shared with anyone, not even Jeyi. She wasn't even sure if she could raise one, let alone two.

"Have you thought about it?" Jeno asked. He always had a bunch of questions to ask her throughout the day, it even occurred to her that he was more excited about the little baby which is currently the size of a cherry to pop out of her.

"Which one exactly?" She asked, chuckling to herself about the number of questions he's asked. 'What are the names, if it's a boy can you call him jeno, are you going to breastfeed them, can i be godfather, do you want to know the gender?'

"Where is the nursery going to be?" He asked, a question that left her stuck on her feet without knowing an answer. She certainly wanted to raise a baby in an apartment without a raging sociopath known as Jeyi and some body builder called Jeno, although they were helpful. She wasn't going to raise the kid at a hotel penthouse either.

A smile fell onto her face as she remembered her old home back in China, where they lived before her father got remarried. Her mother would sing her songs at the big white piano in the hallway, the distant footsteps of Kun chasing after their dog in the background. The lullabies would often end without a finish as baby Chenle would cry out for his mother from his cradle and of course the woman would never neglect.

Yeseul would run into the garden behind Kun, trip a few times and ruin the Skechers she had begged her parents for. The sound of birds chirping in the peaceful haven that was their back garden, with their father in the distance kneeled down, arranging the flowers along the flowerbed in the most perfect way to please his wife, a way he would show his affection and dedication to her, the smile on their faces never leaving as they saw each other pass by.

It was her dream, her perfect family.

"Earth to Yeseul" Jeno said, waving a hand in-front of her face and she blinked at the memory soon disappearing as she focused on the boy in front of her

"I never thought of it....i always dreamed of the usual cozy house with the back garden idea but...I can't possible raise a kid on my own like that" she said and he nodded slowly realising she wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

"We should probably go now before it gets busy" Jeno said and she nodded, following him out of the bedroom and towards the front door. Jeno had traded his motorcycle lifestyle to a car the past few weeks whenever he had to drive Yeseul around anywhere, for obvious reasons. She assured him that she could walk or take the bus but he simply denied it, knowing how busy and rude transport systems in Korea can be.

They drove down and made their way to the hospital, the familiar car waiting outside the entrance. Yeseul took a deep breath in and Jeno gave her a sympathetic smile.

"He'll be happy" he said, hoping that she would find enough courage to face Jaemin's grandfather. What was unexpected was her seeing two figures leaving the car. The familiar build of the boy only being plastered in her mind.

Jeno helped her out of the car and her eyes remained on the boy beside the older man.

"I thought you would want your brother to know atleast" Jaemin's grandfather said and she nodded, a comforting smile on her lips as she met eyes with Chenle.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, stepping closer to her, no sign of hatred in his eyes.

"A bit nervous, i feel like i might throw up soon" she said and he nodded, encasing her body in a soft hug

"Make sure she's eating well" Chenle said to Jeno who nodded

"She can be a but stubborn sometimes but-"

"Im not that stubborn" she pouted slightly and Jeno only snickered, earning a glare from the girl in return.

"Do you want anyone in the room with you?" Jeno asked and he looked hopeful, even Chenle, both wanting to be there for her yet she shook her head. The only person she wanted to experience these scary, unfamiliar things with was Jaemin.

"I want to go alone" She said

"But we'll be there to comfort you if anything goes wrong-"

"I might be alone for the whole pregnancy if Jaemin doesn't wake up. I should get used to it" she sighed with a dry chuckle and she almost felt bad for being negative, but the truth was slowly starting to settle in.

"Do you need hel-"

"I can walk by myself guys" she said, feeling a little annoyed at their over worrying and pestering nature.

They walked into the hospital together, dropping her off at the room where she would get the quad test. Her heart only jumbled when the doctor asked if she was to wait for her husband, yet the lack of happiness in her eyes could tell it all.

Her feet automatically treaded towards the room that felt almost gloomy, incredibly cold enough to make the hairs at the back of her neck stand up. Her eyes scanned over Jeno's and he gave her a sympathetic smile before guiding Jaemin's grandfather out of the room, allowing her to be alone with Jaemin who was still unconscious.

She stared at him, that's all she felt she could do. It had been two weeks since she saw him last, two weeks and he hadn't moved an inch.

"It's been a while Jaemin" she whispered, a tear falling from her eyes down her cheek as she watched his almost lifeless body laid on the cold hard bed.

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