1: In Which They Want Laconni

Start from the beginning

Instead of answering with words she holds up a badge. A badge the size of my palm, golden and blue with a crest on it. A crest that had three silver stars in one corner and four in the other. Seven stars, that signified power and authority above almost everyone in any of the lands.

Someone with the seven star authority wanted to speak to me. Me.

"Have I done something?" My voice shakes slightly as I put the keys in the pocket of my polka-dot skirt. "I don't understand."

"It'll all be explained later." The women says, "now if you could come with us please," she gestures to an average looking car.

"My dad," I say, "I just got back and—"

"Someone will inform him." She says, "Now, Ms Esterean, please get into the car."

"Ok." I practically squeak as I get into the back of the car, shutting the silver door and sitting down on the cushioned seat. Both of the Seven Stars sit in the front, pressing a few buttons before we start to drive.

The blood in my veins seems to have been replaced with cold anxiety as I tremble, everything feels as though I'm in a dream, my movements are slow and my brain seems unable to comprehend what's going on. One of the Stars gives me a look and I feel completely pathetic, like a little whimpering mess of pathetic-ness. Is that even a word? Well it is now and it is me.

No, no it's not. I drum my fingers on my leg and take a deep breath. I'm Laconni Burna Esterean and I am not a whimpering mess. I'm confident and I have nothing to fear; I've never done—or aided anyone else in doing—anything wrong.

Except when I was three and I painted an awful 'mural' on the village hall, or when I was twelve and I unknowingly befriended a mass shoplifter, or when I as sixteen and went to a house party where I helped set up the projector so we could watch a movie that had been a recording of it playing in the cinema, which I'm pretty sure was illegal.

But people don't get arrested by Seven Star bearing people for those crimes, if you could even call them crimes.

But am I being arrested? I haven't got cuffs on so maybe I'm not.
But then we pull up outside the police station and I'm lead inside. Oh sweet baby potatoes I'm definitely being arrested. What will my dad think? He'll be furious, so furious no butter seed bread will solve it.

We walk through the painted stone halls, unquestioned by anyone, towards a small questioning room with a door that looks pretty heavy duty. They point at the wooden chair as they shut the door, several locks clicking as it slams shut.

The only light in the room comes from a tiny rectangular window that has bars across it, bars. I try to swallow my fear to ask something, to demand to know why I'm here when the male Star takes out what looks to me, like an ordinary watch. However judging by how carefully he handles it as he places it on the table I'm assuming it's not ordinary.

Oh sweet baby potatoes what if it's some kind of torture device? And I won't be able to tell them anything because I haven't done anything. I've spent the last week in Frastupla waiting for my storm victim papers to go through so I could go home.

Or what if something went wrong with the papers? The thought fills me with dread that increases as the agent presses a button on the watch and a mini projection beams out.

For a moment I forget my fear because that is so cool, don't get me wrong we have portable call projectors here on Olohidso but none this small and all mini ones only play back calls, this looks like it's happening live.

There's a woman's bright blue projection in front of me, flicking a long braid over her shoulder as she stares at me with a hard frown, a frown that reminds me I'm not here to marvel over their cool technology. "Laconni Burna Esterean, aged 19, born on the 31st of Faeert in the year 20[REDACTED]."

"That's me." I say, looking at the woman and summoning every ounce of courage in me, "and you are?"

The woman barks a laugh, "Funny." She says in a voice that doesn't sound amused at all. I fight to keep my face from betraying my inner panic. "I'm Agent Lizal, of the special agencies league department E."

"The what?" I ask, wondering if she's made this up, perhaps this is all some elaborate welcome back prank.

"S.A.L, the special agencies league, a top secret organisation designed to maintain peace and minimise threats across Pasefo—with as little disruption as possible." My mind reels. "We're made up of several different departments all filled with skilled, efficient and trained individuals that work as one unique organisation; always improving, always working and always developing. And for our latest development, we want you, Laconni Esterean."



What are your thoughts on the chapter? On Connie? Her dad? S.A.L?

If mysterious people came to your house looking for you how would you react?

Would you like the next chapter next Monday or on Friday? Or never? 👀

Over and out,
Doodle cat

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