Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jungkook returned to his office and entered his room, instantly he lost his appetite. He didn't think Jisoo would do that. His phone rang, it was from Jin, he looked at the clock and was confused about what Jin was calling, even though he previously said he was going to sleep.


"J-jungkook.." Jungkook heard Jin's voice crying.

"Jin, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Please come, I need you, I beg you, please Jungkook please"

"Jin calm down what's wrong? What happened to you?"

"Tae.. please please Jungkook please I need you.. Tae—"

"Tae? what do you mean? what about Tae? what is he doing Jin?"


"Okay, I'll take the flight today, Jin please calm down, wait for me, okay? i love you"

Jin hung up the phone, he pulled his knees to his chest and hugged it, crying while holding his phone.

Not long after, he heard Jimin's voice outside calling his name. He tried to stand up and open the door, when they looked at each other, Jimin immediately ran to Jin and hugged him.

"Jin what happened? Why is your door open?" Jimin let go of his embrace and saw Jin's torn shirt, tears still wet down his cheeks.

"Tae.." Jin couldn't continue, too embarrassed to say it, but Jimin saw purple marks on Jin's neck and chest.

"Damn it! Taehyung! did he do this to you?"

"Jimin.. I.. I'm scared" Jimin immediately hugged his friend and rubbed his back.

"Calm down, I'm here, don't be afraid, I will accompany you here, Jin I'm sorry, I introduced the wrong person to you"

Jungkook left by flight on the same day, he didn't think about his work, even he just carried himself at that time, all he could think of was Jin, for some reason his heart was broken to hear Jin's voice, he was crying. He was also confused about whether he should tell Jin about Jisoo or not.

Jungkook left at 3 pm and arrived in Korea at 6 pm Korean time. 14 hours on the plane didn't make him fall asleep, his eyes kept opening, his heart beating full, his mind wandering all over the place, thinking about what happened to Jin.

Jin always told him to go home but this time it was different, and Jungkook also felt something else.

After a long time on the air, Jungkook finally arrived in Korea, he immediately looked for a taxi and went to Jin's house.

Jin's house

After successfully calming Jin and putting him to sleep, Jimin came out and leaned back on the sofa, looked at his phone and texted Tae.

I misjudged you Tae, I thought you were a good man, does love blind your heart? you hurt the person you love? it doesn't make sense to me, don't ever meet Jin, or you deal with me.

Jimin woke up and saw himself lying on the sofa, he immediately remembered Jin and saw him in his room. He heard the sound of running water from inside the bathroom so he went out and made breakfast for the two of them.

In the bathroom Jin just stared at himself in the mirror seeing the purple marks on his neck and chest disgusted him. He rubbed his body hard, he didn't want Jungkook to see that.

After coming out of the bathroom, with puffy eyes and red on his body, Jin came out and met Jimin in the kitchen.

"Jin.. what are you doing with your body? oh goddd, look at your neck so red"

"I hate myself"

"Jin don't say that"

"Why did he do that to me Jimin? I was very scared when I saw him, he was like someone else"

Jimin approached Jin and told him to sit at the dining table.

"Jin listen to me, I won't let him get close to you again, it's my fault, I shouldn't have let someone like him feel near you"

"He's angry, he must be disappointed that I canceled the marriage with him, but I have reasons for that" Jin cried and Jimin immediately hugged him tightly

"Don't cry Jin, you're fine, I'm here"

After finishing breakfast Jin returned to his room, he just lay on the bed and covered himself with the blanket. Jimin couldn't do anything at that time, he gave Jin space to calm his mind.


Jimin entered Jin's room, saw his best friend sleeping, he couldn't sleep peacefully thinking about what happened to Jin and why Taehyung could be like that. As long as he knew Tae, Tae was a good man, even very good, he was perfect as a man, this of course surprised him. Jimin has a big guilt.

When he wanted to sit on the sofa, suddenly the bell rang, he thought maybe it was Taehyung, he went straight to the door and prepared to curse him, but when the door opened, he saw Jungkook there.


"Jungkook, aren't you in America?"

"I came back when Jin called me, where is he? what happened?"

"Come in" Jungkook entered and Jimin closed the door.

"Jimin tell me, what happened?"

"I don't know what happened, Jin suddenly called me and said Tae was at his house and drunk, he told me to come and when I arrived I saw his door was wide open, I thought something bad had happened to Jin I immediately went in and called Jin, but when Jin came out of his room, He's so messy, I don't dare to ask any more details, I'm afraid it will hurt him."

"Oh god, where is he now?"

"He's asleep in his room, he'll be glad you're back"

Jungkook nodded and slowly opened the door to Jin's room. He watched Jin who was sleeping then came up to him and sat beside him, he rubbed Jin's face with his finger and suddenly his finger stopped.. his eyes trembled when he saw the purple mark on Jin's neck, tears flowed down and he could only bite his lips, holding back the pain and anger.

Slowly Jin's eyes opened and they looked at each other.

"Jungkook? am I dreaming?"

"No babe, I'm here, you asked me to come and I came" Jungkook couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

Jin immediately woke up from his sleep and hugged Jungkook tightly, crying on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Don't ever leave me again! Don't, I beg you."

"I promise I won't leave you again Jin" Jungkook was devastated to hear Jin's words, this was his fault, if he didn't leave Jin alone, this wouldn't have happened.

Jungkook let go of his hug and grabbed Jin's hand.

"Jin, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, but Tae.. he.. he tried to rape me" Jin cried even more when he said that word.

"W-what? he..." Jungkook's heart felt like it was shattered into pieces.

"Jungkook, he hasn't had time to do it yet, but..but he did this to me and I'm so disgusted with myself"

Jin lowered his collar, showing even more purple marks on his chest.
Jungkook immediately hugged Jin.

"I will never ever leave you again Jin! I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, I love you Jin, I love you"

Anger is increasingly felt in Jungkook's chest, he will teach a lesson to anyone who dares to touch or hurt his boyfriend.

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