Chapter 4

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For the next several weeks, Hyunjin did everything he possibly could to get his body prepared for what hopefully was going to happen in the not so distant future. He and Jisung had taken up yoga, both wanting to strengthen their core muscles as much as they could. Hyunjin had taken to scrolling forums for omegas who were planning on becoming pregnant and was vigilantly taking notes. He'd also come across some not so nice people on there and one had even told him to get rid of the cats if he was having a baby. Needless to say Hyunjin had given her a piece of his mind and blocked her, before giving Soonie, Doongie and Dori extra cuddles and kisses, assuring them they were going nowhere.

Hyunjin had also changed his diet to include more healthier options. Minho had also been scrolling parenting sites and sneakily reading some of the pregnancy books Felix had left at the café to read in his breaks. He made some of the recipes and Hyunjin would eat them. Minho couldn't help but laugh at some of his facial expressions which made it clear he really wasn't enjoying the food. He persisted however, telling Minho it was a small price to pay to get the good stuff in his body for their future baby. Minho found himself falling more in love with his mate every day and was filled with admiration at Hyunjin's dedication.

Minho and Hyunjin had also painted the room they would eventually use at the nursery. Both had wanted the paint fumes long gone before Hyunjin was even pregnant. They had painted it a light pistachio green colour. They had chosen it after a lengthy discussion of how they would each like the nursery and had been unable to decide on what colour to use. Hyunjin had then suggested that they should combine their favourite colours. The two had then gone to Hyunjin's art studio and mixed Minho's favourite shade of blue with Hyunjin's favourite shade of yellow until they had found the perfect colour.

The two had painted the walls together and had ended up having a paint fight. Minho's paint handprints had ended up on Hyunjin's butt and Hyunjin's handprints had ended up on Minho's pecs. Hyunjin had been glad they had covered the floor before they started as paint had ended up everywhere. They had ended up rolling around on the floor in a semi wrestle, semi tickle fight and knocking over the paint tray in the process. Other than the painting, they hadn't done anything else to the room. Neither wanted to tempt fate in case the worst should happen again.

The weeks passed by quickly and the weather began to get a little warmer; the icy winter weather turning to spring. March arrived and Minho and Hyunjin began to make arrangements for Hyunjin's approaching heat. Minho's ruts had synced with Hyunjin's heat cycle before they had bonded. The cats would spend the week of their heat and rut at Felix and Changbin's house. Minho was also going to close the café for two whole weeks. The advantage of Hyunjin's heats being as regular as clockwork made it easy for them to plan. Minho would put a sign in the café door saying the were closed for seasonal leave. Usually they would only close for a week, but this time, Minho wanted to spend the extra week with Hyunjin to make sure he took it easy to help increase their chances of becoming parents. Felix never asked Minho why he had taken an extra week, but Minho could tell that he suspected something was going on with him and Hyunjin.

It was two days before Hyunjin's 26th birthday when Minho closed up the café, making sure the sign was securely stuck in the class of the door. He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he and Felix began to head to Minho's car. The smile stayed on his face for the entire journey home. He couldn't wait to get home and be with Hyunjin. Hyunjin was in preheat. The first day of preheat, he liked to clean and nest. Their bedroom would get a thorough deep clean and then Hyunjin would pile the bed with pillows, cushions and blankets. He would then have a soak in the bath before going back to his nest and snuggling down into it. He would then nap while he waited on Minho.

That's where Minho found Hyunjin when he walked into their pristine bedroom once he got home. He knelt on the floor at the side of the bed, reached out and gently stroked Hyunjin's hair back from his face. Hyunjin stirred a little and his eyes opened when Minho gently stroked his cheek.

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