31|Don't you fucking dare!

Start from the beginning

"Really I'm good. I already have an exercise routine."

"Clearly it's not been working," she said around a smile. Cadee shook her head unsure if she heard correctly. "we have a program for people who want to lose weight. There's a sign up sheet at information desk. I'm looking forward to seeing you at my class." She proceeded to walk away.

"Hey! Hold on. I don't need to loose weight so what's that about?"

"But you do. You're already so big," she turned to face her and gestured to Cadee's behind. "So squat shouldn't be your go to exercise. You should be on the treadmill."

Cadee refrained from telling her that she just used the equipment, instead choosing to focus on the part where the woman had called her fat. "look here, Joy." She glanced at the name tag on her sports bra. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but you shouldn't go around labelling people fat and suggesting weight loss classes." The woman opened her mouth to speak but Cadee cut her off. "I'm perfectly okay with my curves. I think it makes me look sexy. I much prefer to have boobs and an ass than to be like a stick figure. If you love being small, I love that for you. If you were as curvy as I am, I'd also love that for you."

"Look–" Joy was saying before Cadee interrupted again.

"This?" She shook her arms. "it doesn't wiggle. There's no fat here, Joy. I'm blessed with curves and it's perfect for me." The woman blinked and before she could respond, Cadee was walking towards the bathroom.

Still fuming, she was more than pissed to see Joy appear a few moments later.

"I was only trying to help out. I understand if you were trying to be tough. But I know deep down, you want to be smaller." Joy pulled out a card and set it beside the sink. "Here's my card, call me whenever." She walked towards the bathroom stalls and Cadee watched her go.

The stalls had doors that could be locked from the inside and outside. Without thinking too much about it, Cadee locked the woman in and shoved the card under the bathroom door.

From that moment on, the woman had always found excuses to annoy Cadee. From smirks to side-talks, the woman did them all. She was downright nasty. Usually, Cadee avoided Joy because she didn't want a repeat of the first time but at that moment, she still had some anger to burn.

"What are you looking at, Joy?" She eyed the woman who grinned.

"I think your routine is no longer working. You definitely look bigger," Joy said, walking towards her.

"Seriously though, how are you still working here? Someone should have reported you to your manager."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm the manager here."

"So that gives you the right to body shame your members? I'll be making a complaint about this branch. You running it would just ruin the business for the owner."

"Try it then. There wouldn't be anyone taking the case seriously. I also mean a lot to my boss because of that weight class you're so against. It has increased the gym membership just so you know."

Before Cadee could reply, she felt a tingly sensation crawling down her spine. It sent a delicious hum under her skin and it was a feeling that she'd associated with whenever Max was close by. Her senses became more aware as she breathed in the familiar smell of his cologne.

"You might mean a lot but not more than the members," Max said and Joy turned to look at him. "The members determines the profit, and you've been going around harassing them?"

"Good evening sir. It's all a misunderstanding. I only had a conversation with her and she blew it out of proportion," Joy said, putting on a wide smile.

"There's no way my girlfriend is that annoyed because of an ordinary misunderstanding. When she told me about avoiding an instructor here, I never imagined that it would be you."

"Girlfriend?" Joy sputtered, looking from Max to Cadee.

"You'll apologize to her right now," Max said.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Cadee said to Max, finally turning to look at him. He still looked pristine from when she'd seen him that morning. "I don't need you or anyone else trying to fight for me. I am more than capable of handling this woman by myself."

"Baby, I'm only asking her to apologise to you as her employer. I know that you can handle yourself." He turned to Joy. "Apologise right now!"

"Maxwell! You're not fucking listening to me. Don't make her do anything! Why do you and your family always have to meddle in my life?" She turned and stormed out, cursing both Max, Joy and the woman standing beside her man.

Max blinked at the sudden turn of events, confused as she stormed out. He couldn't believe that Cadee was mad at him for trying to take her side.

"I'm sorry sir, I can explain. I really can. I didn't harass her. You heard her, sir. If I really did harass her she'd be jumping at the opportunity to let you tear me down."

"Anna, fix this mess. I'm not going to be attending the meeting this evening. Please reschedule."

"Okay sir," Anna replied as Max turned and hurried out after his woman.


Of course I had to add some drama! What do you think about this?

It's my first time writing a flashback, did I do well?

Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter. Please vote too 🙏

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