27|You did so well baby, I'm proud

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The following chapter would contact mature themes intended for an 18+ audience. There would also be BDSM here.


When Drey dropped her off, Max was waiting outside for her. He had his hands tucked into the pocket of his pyjamas shirts and she grinned at the sight. His hair was messy, like he'd ran his hands through it repeatedly and it was falling into his eyes. He didn't look like his usually composed self and she wondered if anyone else ever got to see him this unguarded. He was showing her layers he'd never shown anyone else and she felt the fist in her chest uncurl. As Max smiled at her, she quickly forgot her worries and returned the grin.

Her mind emptied of all the doubts she harboured. If this man trusted her enough to bare his soul, then she could believe that she was deserving. He must have seen something good and kind that he could trust in her to let go of his pain.

"You went shopping?" His voice brought her out from her musings and she realized Drey had carried the bags inside and Max was watching him.

"Yeah. I got you some things too."

"Interesting." He held out a hand for her to grab onto then led her inside.

"Thanks Drey," Cadee called out to the retreating man. Her boyfriend pulled her into a kiss almost immediately. The kiss was hungry and filled with teeth and tongue as he sought to get closer to her. He bit her lower lip and then sucked it into his mouth as his hands gripped her neck. She let out a low growl of protest when he pulled away from her mouth. He squeezed her neck for a few moments before letting go.

"Hey baby." Max bit his lip as he watched her. She was already as aroused as he was. This heat between them was like a madness and a drug. It took hold of him whenever he saw or smelled her. Even the mere thought of her sent his blood pulling south. The madness never seemed to go away unless he sated himself. Being with Cadee numbed him from his worries and pain. Hearing her laugh or seeing her happy also sent a warm and fuzzy feeling to his heart.

"Hey yourself." She blushed and lowered her gaze, staring at his pajama-clad body.

"Let's see what my girlfriend got me. Are all of them mine?" He waved his hand in the direction of the two shopping bags and a wrapped box.

"Yes. Start with the bags. I'll go get changed." She picked up the overnight bag that Drey had also dropped along with the gifts and went inside.

After her short shower, she watered the orchids and aloe plant then proceeded to dry her hair. Max had also gotten her favorite shampoo and shower gel so she'd decided to wash her hair. She'd grinned and swooned when she saw it.

Cadee changed into a black night dress, one that was short and hugged her figure. She went without the matching tiny shorts and instead pulled on the matching robe. After moisturizing her body, she went out to find her man.

Max was seated on a couch with the opened bags at his feet when she found him. He smirked at her then motioned for her to come sit beside him. She complied but kept a few inches distance from him. Not having that, he pulled her close till they were seated thigh to thigh.

"Honey, you got me cargo shorts and vivid short sleeves."

She hid her wide grin behind the fingers she held up against her face. "They're Haiwain print shirts, baby."

"I don't like shorts or short sleeves, doll." He was looking at her now, his body turned to face her.

"I know but the shirts are amazing."

"Baby, there's a really bright yellow shirt that had big bright butterflies all over them. I thought I'd go blind from all the colors."

"I got you red ones too," she grinned, loving the way he was struggling to maintain his smirk.

Somewhere In Between (18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now