Forbidden Romance Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven... When Someone Else Finds Out...


Ben and I had been together for five months now, and he had left his wife Hayley just days ago to be with me. Or, more honestly, she'd told him the truth about something and he left her, after she confessed that she'd also had an affair, and it was possible that the baby wasn't his. He'd been horrified, especially when he learnt that she'd cheated on him when they first started dating. Turns out she's not so perfect after all...

But for the moment, he was all mine, and we were both happy being together. Even if we couldn't be together publically. I was, however, only a month off of seventeen, and it would only be a couple of years before we could be together, because I'd be finished high school.

But Ben brought up a topic that I hadn't really thought about...

We laid in each others arms in bed once again after sex. He'd been showering me with a few gifts, subtle gifts that looked like I could afford them myself. Now that I had a part-time job...

"So... do you think about the future much?" Ben asked.

"Sometimes," I admitted. "Not too much, though. You can't plan everything."

"That's true," he chuckled. "Do you see me in your future?"

"Of course," I smiled. "Do you see me in yours?"

"Absolutely," he promised.

"What made you bring this up?" I questioned.

"Kids," he said simply.

"What about them?" I asked.

"Well, I know I have four... possibly five..." he began. "But I don't have any with you. And... I want to. Because I love you."

"Huh?" I frowned, confused.

"I want to have a baby with you," he replied.

"Are you out of your mind?" I scoffed. "I'm not even seventeen yet!"

"Don't you want to have children with me?"

"Well, yes. But... I'm sixteen. People are gonna think that I'm insane! And I'd have to lie and tell them that I had a random one-night stand and got knocked up! Plus, my parents would kill me!"

"So... you don't want to have a baby?"

"Not right now!"

"Sorry, I just..."

"You have four kids. And your estranged wife is pregnant. And while the baby might not be yours, it also might be! And me getting pregnant would mean you had six kids! And for that, you'd be totally insane!"

"I'm sorry if I've taken you by surprise, Lana. I just want to have something special with you."

"But being with you is special to me. Not many girls my age would fall for their History teacher. And... I've done more than that. I'm in love with you."


"We don't need to have a baby just to prove we love each other. I want to wait until I'm at least twenty before I have my first child. You see all those teenagers on the tv that have been knocked up at my age... and they have nothing. Not even a boyfriend. And... well, your daughter is a perfect example. Gabrielle is without her father there. And her mother's only seventeen!"

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