Chapter 7: G for Gone

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"That bastard... Cage him!"

After winning a fight with that braggart fool, he suddenly wants to put me in the cage. Wow,

I wanna smirk at him and mock him for losing, but of course, I can't. I can't be a part of their society if I won't play along.

I just let them put me in the cage where fights between two people happen. The cage was hanging from the ceiling so I was on a higher place than them. I could see anger in some people's eyes as if they've been wanting me to get beaten up. Not sorry to disappoint them, I won't be beaten up.

"Call Jupiter," I heard the guy whom I beaten up spoke. Who the hell is jupiter? Are planets their code names? I suddenly want to laugh.

After I get recruited, should I be called Mars?

A guy whose features looked like a giant came over like he came out of an anime series. Kidding. He was a little taller than me. He's got big biceps and a big body. I could see that since he isn't wearing a shirt. Do they really think I could get intimidated by a shirtless giant?

The cage shook a little as he entered. It won't be easy. I'm a little anxious whether those chains that are used to hang the cage could hold the both of us. The cage wasn't that big. I think it has a volume of 512 meters cube, more or less.

He tilted his head to both sides as if he was ready to fight with me.

"Before you begin. Remember the rules. No using of any forms of weapons and no killing," the announcer stated.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself because this Jupiter's face is starting to annoy me. He was oozing with confidence, that I'm eager to stop his delusions of beating me. No one has ever pinned me down. And I won't let anyone pin me down.

Unless, it's Aria-okay, I need to stop.

"You may begin your fight!" And just with that, he started to run towards me.

He tried to punch my face but failed when I moved to the side and striked his back using my palm. Because the cage was shaking, he lost his balance reason for him to fall. I took it as a chance to kick his back, so his face faced the floor just when he was about to stand. I wanna laugh so hard. This is too easy.

But I don't want to be suspicious so instead of ending the fight by attacking again, I let him stand and go after me again. Since I was way "smaller" than him, I managed to moved faster to avoid all his attacks. Too bad though, I can't do a high jump here. The cage is too small for that.

I think it took minutes for me to avoid all of his attacks, which made him mad-furious to be exact. Looking at him right now, I bet he wants to kill me.

Since I got bored of stalling my win, I punched his face when he tried to punch mine. He even cursed at me for that.

He tried to kick me but I managed to catch his foot and threw it back so he fell. Surprisingly, the audience were more quiet than the usual. He was about to stand when I kicked his face. Must've hurt, but what can I do? I'm born to win.

I don't want to beat him up to the point that I'd ruin his face, and since I'm not in the mood for cruelty, I just used the side of my palm to hit his nape, and done. He lost consciousness. Poor guy.

The crown then shouted. Some of them were cheering for me, but most of them just booed. I didn't care though. I don't need their approval.

"And the winner is..." the announcer paused and whispered, "What do we call you again?"

I've never thought about the name I should introduce myself with.

"It's... Elio..." I unconsciously stated. Since I think that this society is related to the moon, which is "Luna", I think "Elio" would fit in since it means sun-god in spanish.

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