Chapter 9

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"Perfect timing," Uncle said as he flung his door open and walked off towards the living room a month later. "I got it figured out."

"Good," Vera smiled tiredly as she watched the team walk in. Luke and Gabe instantly picked up the girls out of their swings. "I was trying to get them to go to sleep."

"We can do it," They said in unison making her shake her head.

"What have you figured out?" Owen asked curiously.

"I have to leave for a couple of months to take care of something for the Academy board members. Lilly and her men have said you have progressed in your parenting classes and her men have reported back that you truly understand the consequences of your actions."

"Yes Sir," they said in unison.

"Well now time to prove it," he sighed. "You can either stay here since all their stuff is here or—"

"I kind of already decorated their nursery at the mansion to match this one," Gabe interrupted. "Was hoping to talk to you about them coming over for a little bit at a time."

"What?" Vera asked shocked. "You what?"

"Good," Uncle nodded, "That solves that. She hasn't fully healed yet so you need to stay on top of her medicines and physical therapy sessions."

"Yes Sir," Sean and Nathan said at the same time.

"I mean it Boys," he pointed his finger at them. "This is your one chance, I want you to keep up your sessions with Lilly. If the men say you don't need sessions with them fine but keep up your sessions with Lilly until she tells me otherwise."

"Yes Sir," they said in unison.

"Call me everyday and send lots of pictures, Little One," Uncle said crouching down to eye level with Vera. "I wish I didn't have to go but I unfortunately have to."

"I know," she smiled softly. "But the sooner you go, the sooner you will come back to us."

"Very true," he chuckled.

"Thank you Uncle," she smiled as she hugged him. "Love you."

"Love you too," He smiled fondly. "Alright, I have to go finish packing. Stay right here and make the boys learn how to do everything. You take all the food and everything so it doesn't go to waste and take care of the diner for me."

"We will," North nodded. "Hurry back."

Vera smiled and watched sadly as Uncle headed to his room then left a few minutes later.

"So, what do we need to take to the mansion?" She asked nervously.

"Just their clothes and whatever else you want to take," Victor said softly. "We already have their crib and swings and furniture, things like that. We have some clothes but whatever you want to take, we will bring over there."

"Bottles? Formula? Diapers? Wipes? Cream? Burp clothes? Pacifiers? Baby wash? Tub? Towels? Lotion?" She rattled off the first things that popped into her mind.

"Yes," Gabe whispered as he patted Asteria's back. "I got four of everything when I went shopping."

"You got four tubs?" She asked confused, "Why?"

"One for upstairs and one for downstairs," He explained, "That way we don't have to carry it back and forth. It's just easier on whoever is bathing them."

"Oh," She whispered. Her phone pinged as did Sean's.

"I'll go get your medicine, Pookie," Sean whispered. "She needs to eat with it."

"On it," Marc and North said as they headed to Uncle's kitchen.

"While you are eating, we will get started on loading up whatever you want us to," Owen said crouching down to her level. "We want to keep an open communication, Darling. Yes, we want our family together but we know we have to continue earning it. That means you have to be honest with us on everything. Don't worry about hurting our feelings. Speak your mind on everything, please."

"Okay Owen," she nodded. "I'll try my best."

"Thank you," he gave her that millimeter smile that sent warmth through her.

"I guess all their clothes and stuffies and blankets can go with us. The blankets especially since they already have my scent on them. The stuffies have sentimental value so I want to bring those."

"Okay," Silas nodded as Kota started writing everything down.

"Oh Owen? Victor?" She asked nervously.

"Yes Princess?" Victor asked while Owen looked at her curiously.

"Do you perhaps?" She bit her lip nervously.

"Open communication, Darling," Owen gently reminded her.

"The girls need another copy of your collaboration if you have another copy. I played it while pregnant then it was playing when I got in the wreck. The cops said everything was totaled so I guess it got destroyed. They loved listening to it while I was trying to get some sleep. It was the only time they settled down."

"We have copies at home, Princess," Victor smiled. "I'll gladly put it in their nursery."

"I also sprayed your colognes on their stuffies that went around the nursery so they could bond with your scents and recognize all of you as well."

The men smiled fondly, "Thank you," They whispered in unison.

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