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'There's no one here. I was tricked. I'm leaving this place.' I thought to myself and started to walk to the little exit I came in through.

Just as I was taking a step out, someone's pulled me back and quickly put a wet rag over my mouth. No matter how much I struggled, they held me tightly until I started to see black dots form in my vision.

Soon I fell to the ground and felt someone pick me up and start walking as I slowly fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and realized I was on a oddly comfortable bed in an oddly good looking room.

'Wait... WHERE AM I?!?!'

Then I heard a door open.

I turned my head towards the sound and at the door stood a someone. It looked like a boy had a paper bag on hit head with black goggles on it. He wore a white lab coat and a blue shirt underneath with blue pants.

"Uhh.. Y/N is it?" He said looking at his clip board.

"Umm yes that's me.."

"I am Dr. Flug. Please come with me. My boss wants to see you."

I shook my head and walked towards the doctor.

We walked through long halls until we reached a door with the sign


As soon as i read it, I started to slightly shake.
'Black hat?!? He's the strongest and most feared villain! And probably the scariest.'

As Dr. Flug knocked on the door, we heard
"Come in." From the other side.

Dr. Flug opened the door and walked in bringing me alone behind him. I gulped and walked with him.

Then Dr. Flug began talking.
"S-sir.. I h-have y/n with m-me." He said. I could tell by his voice he was scared of his boss.
"Good. Now Get out." Black hat said, his voice slightly deepened at the last three words.

Dr. Flug quietly yelped and got out of Black Hats office.

Then, Black Hat turned his chair to face me.
I slowly walked up to him and we just sat in silence for what seemed like forever but was only five seconds.

He motioned me to sit down and when I did he started to speak.
"I was the one speaking to you yesterday. I have a feeling you've already realized that."

I nodded my head.

"Well y/n, you will be working as my personal assistant now." He said, keeping his cool.

"Wait.. what..?"

"Do I really need to repeat myself y/n?"
He said. His voice deepening a smidge.

"Y-you tricked m-me" I stuttered.
"Speak up pipsqueak."
"YOU T-TRICKED ME!" I yelled. Black hat stood up and slammed his hands on his desk.
"TRICKED YOU? Hah, you've got it all wrong..
I SAVED YOU!" He yelled, walking over to me and placing his hands on the arm rests of the chair I was sitting in. He towered over me like a tall tree.

"I saved you from that household and this is how I'm repaid?! I might as well SEND YOU BACK!!" He yelled. His face becoming scarier by the second. Tears started to stream down your face as you looked down at your thighs.
"Get out. And go back to your father. You ungrateful brat."

You looked back up at him. "No. I.
I will work as your p-personal assistant.." you stuttered.
"Speak up." His voice deepened. "I will work as your personal a-assistant! Just please don't send me back to him.." You said, wiping your tears from your cheeks.

YANDERE Black Hat x fema!e readerWhere stories live. Discover now