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Warning!! Violence is in this first chapter.

I was walking down the street to escape my father. We had just had a very heated argument and I decided I had had enough.

As I walked, it started to pour rain, so I covered myself with my hood as my steps slowly began to splash as water puddled under my feet.

As soon as I had reached our closest intersection, I turned back around and started to walk back home.

"Do you hate him?"

'What.? Am I hearing things?' I thought to myself as I stopped taking steps along the sidewalk.

"Do you wish to just leave him and never come back?"

"Whoever is saying that, leave me alone! It's not funny!" I yelled out, But to no answer.

"I know you hate him. You want to escape his grasp."

I tried to ignore the voice and just kept walking but then I started to think about it. 'I want to leave that abusive household forever.' I thought to myself.

"After he is asleep, go to your nearest park."

'My nearest park? Hmm.. strange.' I continued to think about it and kept walking through the rain.

Just as u reached my front door and was about to push open on the knob, it turned itself.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!? YOU LITTLE BITCH THINKING YOU CAN JUST RUN OFF ON ME?!" Your father yelled. "I just went on a walk. It's not a big deal."

I walked through the door trying to ignore him but then I heard thumping behind me. Soon I was grabbed by the nape and thrown down to the hardwood floor.

"Listen here you little shit. You don't go out unless I fuckin tell you to. You understand me?" He said. I ignored him trying to push myself up off the ground.

He yelled, grabbing the neck of my shirt in a fist, pulling me up. "Y-Yes I understand you!"
I said, on the verge of tears. "GOOD. NOW GO UP TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE."

As I walked up to my room, the only thing I could think of was that voice and the park.
I was going to go. I didn't want to have to live in this shithole anymore.

Sure, there were a bunch of villains and hero's out there at the time but I didn't care. I just wanted out.

My father had fallen asleep drunken on the couch and it was my time to leave.
I slowly tip tied down the stairs trying not to make a peep.


'Fuck these stairs.' I thought as I stopped my tracks. I immediately looked at my father, who was still asleep on the couch. He had only rolled over and just kept snoring.

I wiped my forehead with my sleeve and continued to tiptoe out of the house. As I exited the front door, I started speed walking to the nearest park. With each step I took, I thought more and more about that voice and what I was doing. And I was ready for it.

As I walked into the parks entrance, I seen no one. Not a single soul. It was 1 in the morning of course so why would anyone be here?

'Gosh I'm so stupid.' I started to look around for anyone but no one answered to my calls and I didn't find anyone anywhere. I felt I bit freaked out because I could barely see anything.

'There's no one here. I was tricked. I'm leaving this place.' I thought to myself and started to walk to the little exit I came in through.

Just as I was taking a step out, someone's pulled me back and quickly put a wet rag over my mouth. No matter how much I struggled, they held me tightly until I started to see black dots form in my vision.

Soon I fell to the ground and felt someone pick me up and start walking as I slowly fell asleep.

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