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Heer was in tears as she hugged Ajabde tighter than usual. Pratap and Ajabde were in her room for her departure to Bundi. Ajabde's eyes shone as throughout her first week in the new place Heer was always by her side. She would miss a friend. Pratap tried to lighten the mood by saying,
" Don't worry Heer you will be back here soon, and then you can not leave even if you want to... then we will see how much you two fight!"
" We will never fight." Ajabde protested.
Heer was numb. All of a sudden all of Shakti's words came to her mind and the sobbing increased. She may not be back ever! She hugged Pratap saying " Dadabhai!"

Ajabde stood smiling before she came out of the room and saw everyone flocked to say goodbye to Heer. Everyone except Shakti. She slowly avoided the glances and walked to Shakti's room. He was sitting in front of a map, acting busy. His eyes were red as if he didn't sleep all night. He looked up at the sound of her Payal.
" Bhabisa..." He got up.
" What's wrong?"
" Ji?"
" What's wrong Kunwarsa... Heer is going and..."
" I don't want to see her go."
" That's not everything is it?" Ajabde's question made him look up. He sat down and looked at the floor.
" I don't want to trouble you Bhabisa."
" You are my brother, like you protect me, I should too. And I am not leaving until you..."
" You are as stubborn as Dadabhai." Shakti smiled faintly.

" This marriage will be called off Bhabisa." He tried hard not to choke. " Courtesy, Dheerbai's spies."
" Called off?" Ajabde was in shock. " I asked Ranaji..."
" I know." Shakti cut her off. " He didn't say yes."
" I think we should talk..."
" Ranima and Badima have been talking for a week in vain." Ajabde was shocked. She was so engrossed in her happiness that all these obvious tensions and pretend smiles skipped her eyes.
" Now what?" She asked. Fear crept in.
" After the Alwar venture, I will try one last time. If not then...."
" Then?"
" We have to Run Away!" He said it with full determination.
"Run Away? Run... But... But... Kunwarsa... Ranaji... Bundi ... The relationships..." She stammered in her fear.
" I have faith that Dadabhai can handle both his father and his Mamasa."
" But you and Heer...''
" Will be together that's what matters and wherever we are, we will always keep in touch with you."
Shakti could see her face turn pale.
" Please don't tell Dadabhai yet. He already has so much to think of for the war."
Ajabde nodded hesitantly.
" Promise me Bhabisa."
" I won't tell him." She took a reluctant Shakti to the balcony to see Heer's palki go. She heard him let out a sigh and walk away as she stood there.

Back home, Ajabde sat preoccupied making a garland. Lost in her thoughts, she did not see Kunwar Pratap walk in. He knew something was amiss. She never missed his presence. He saw her put the wrong order of flowers into the garland. Worried, he broke the silence.
" What happened Ajabde?"
Startled at his voice she saw she had woven it wrong.
" Nothing, when did you come?"
" Did Chotima say something?" His questions began looking at her worried face.
"No, she is busy as Kunwar Jagmal is having his first sword lessons now."
" Are you missing home? You want to write to Hansa Mau... I mean Maa sa or Ratan?"
" No No Kunwarsa, am all right really."
"It's alright, I just wanted to share your worry." She got up to leave as he spoke out his thoughts.
" Wait a moment, Bhai Shakti was not there when Heer... are you worried about them?" His words stopped her. She turned back trying to sound normal.
" He was busy." She walked away as Pratap went towards the Ranimahal.

" Kuwaranisa, Kunwarsa has called you to Kunwar Shakti's room." The Daasi's words made Ajabde skip a heart beat.
" Ohh no, he knows." She murmured as she left her dupattas all spread across the floor of her room and rushed towards the main Mahal.
In Shakti's room, Pratap was pacing silently as Shakti's eyes watched him. Her Payal made him stop. He looked at her, she at Shakti and Shakti at her.

" Sit Down Ajabde." His voice was serious. She stood in the doorway.
" Close the door." She did what she was told.
" Dadabha..." Shakti got up and was stopped by Pratap's hand gesture.
" You two think you can hide things from me?" He looked at Ajabde with the allegations while she looked away guilty.
" I told Bhabisa..."
" I heard what happened from Majhli Maasa. Now one of you will tell me what you are thinking and hiding."
" Woh..." Ajabde stammered.
" I am saying," Shakti told him everything.
" Run Away? Kunwar Shakti Singh! Are you out of your mind? You will run away from your family? Couldn't I do that? But I convinced them. We will convince them once the war is over."
" I was telling the same..." Ajabde spoke up.
" And I didn't expect you to support his runaway plan!" Pratap's words made her look up.
" I..."
" Promise me that you will let me try first Bhai Shakti..."
" Yes, Dadabhai." He nodded his head in disappointment to Ajabde before walking off leaving her shocked.
" Maharanisa has called you Kuwaranisa." A Dasi stopped her in the hallway. She turned around towards Ranima's room.

Jaivanta Bai was sitting on her bed with a granth when she stopped at the door.
" Come in Ajab."
" Ranima you called?"
" Yes, I have something to order you to do."
" Ji?"
" Tomorrow onward I want you to practice at the Arena like you used to in Bijolia. Pratap comes in..."
Ajabde turned around as he walked past her avoiding glances.
" Tomorrow onwards you will help Ajabde in the arena like before. Make sure she doesn't skip a lesson."
" Ji." A smile curved his lips as he looked at his wife looking at the floor worried.

She was in the room in just her mangalsutra and a simple lehenga when he came in. Their eyes met in the mirror and he removed his turban placing it on the dressing table, carefully avoiding touch with her. He walked to the bed and indifferently said, " Get some sleep, you have to reach the arena at dawn."
" Am not going." Her stern voice made him stop placing his pillow.
" why not?"
" I have a lot to do since morning."
" Yes, that is a part of your daily routine now."
" I think you should help the Rajkumars instead."
" I can manage both."
" I can not go to the Arena."
" Why not?" Now she was facing him.
" Kunwarsa, trust me I didn't agree to Kunwar Shakti..."
" I know you didn't I was angry. Because you didn't tell me."
" Shama kijiye." He smiled at her guilty face.
" Your face is like a mirror Ajabde. Your heart's feelings come on it." Eyes met and smiled. She hugged him and he kissed her forehead. " I told you I will never misunderstand you."
" I was scared."
" Of me?"
" Nahi Nahi..."
" Ha... haan!"
" Kunwarsa, I don't want to go to the arena." He let go of the hug. Held her hands instead.
" Why not?"
" The... Umm... I will feel awkward, Ranaji goes there, Kunwarsa, all the princes..."
" So? What's the problem?"
" I know you!" she bit her lips.
" Accha? What do you know?"
" Nothing... I know nothing" He looked at her teasingly again.
" You were saying something Ajabde..."
" Kunwarsa, you have practice in the morning." She walked past him to the bed while he waited to turn off the lamp.

It was still dark when Ajabde turned to her right and woke up startled. He was not there. She looked around the room then putting the Dupatta on, walked out. A lamp shone in the next room. She walked in. There was a letter beside the lamp and something else. Her warrior attire and her sword. The letter said:

Kuwarani Ajabde Baisa, you can not go to the Arena for your reasons. But my Ranima gave me an order which I have to follow. So kindly wake up before dawn, see this and come to the backyard in this. From, Do I need to say that?

She was confused. What was he doing calling her to their backyard? She dressed hurriedly and walked to the backdoor. One part of the door was shut and another open. From the shut part she peeped into the first lights of dawn. The sound of Sarang's hooves and breath was breaking the silence of the dawn. He was on Sarang, in an orange kurta and yellow pagri and swinging his sword. He had turned their backyard into a miniature arena overnight! She stared at his handsome face, still hiding when he spotted her. He stopped Sarang with a smile.
" You can come here too you know Ajabde, for a closer view!" He smiled as she was red at getting caught. She stepped out carefully avoiding looking up at his face.
"Let's start with the weights today."
" Ji." He put the bamboo with two buckets on either side on her shoulders and stood behind her helping her balance it. She looked at him like she did every time and blushed. He was busy adjusting the balance when he noticed her stare and stopped. She looked away.
"Kuwaranisa, the first rule of war! You can not divert your attention to anything or anyone from your aim. No matter how good-looking your husband is." He teased. She was learning to balance acting like she didn't listen.

" Now for some bow and arrow." He had set up a target at a feet's distance for her first try. She was excited to try it out. He held her bow from behind teaching her to position it. His arms held hers. She breathed in. He said " Aim. Shoot!" The bow went about a foot right to the target and hit a tree. Pratap sat down laughing as Ajab went to see where she injured the tree.
" Kuwarani Ajabde Baisa! If you aim like this what will you teach your son?" He was amused and didn't notice how easily he brought up the topic.
" Why will he need training from me?"
" Because he will be Mewar's future!"
" No, am a commoner, my son will be too. It's a rule that a Princess' son..."
" It's a rule that the First Son is King!" He stopped her.
" But..."
" No Buts..."
" Am a Sawant Putri."
" Not anymore." He stood in front of her. " You are Mewar's Kuwarani. You are my Queen!"
" Kunwarsa..."
" Well... will be... you will be my queen and your son my heir...I am telling you again Ajabde, I need no princesses!"
She avoided the topic. " What if it's a daughter?"
" Then I will be Happier because she will be like you." He smiled.

" Kunwarsa, Ranaji has called you." A guard stepped in. He was about to leave.
" Come back for lunch, am making Churma." He smiled at her words and nodded. She patted Sarang and went to her work.

At the courtroom, Pratap entered greeted by serious faces. His father sat still. Kunwar Shakti was agitated. And he was shocked to find Rao Ramrakh Punwar there with Rawatji.
" Baojiraj!" Rawatji's words made them turn.
" How are you?" Raoji greeted as Pratap touched his feet.
" Raoji, you didn't say you will be here, Ajabde will be happy to see you."
" Am here on Ranaji's call, not for a personal visit Kunwarsa."
Raoji's words made him turn to his father.
" Here, read this." A green letter. With a Mughal stamp. Threatening to turn Mewar to ashes if they looked at Alwar. Pratap fumed,
" That Turk Invader! We need to answer him with the sword."
" Yes, it's the time!" Shakti added.
" Jai Mewar, Jai Eklingji!" Everyone followed.

Udai Singh spoke up, " We all know everything is at stake here. We know we may not return home. We know losing this will mean losing everything. But we can not let them insult our motherland. We have to prepare immediately."
Shakti spoke up to Pratap, " Dadabhai, I think you should stay back." his suggestion shocked Pratap. " Yes, Baojiraj, it's only been a week..." Rawatji too was worried.
" Rawat Ji, the person you are worried about will not live in peace if I skipped this for her. She has this much trust that I will be safe." He smiled at Raoji who was proud.
" Still Kunwar Pratap, Talk to her once. Now your life and Your decisions are not yours alone." Ranaji ordered.
" I will, but I assure you are going!"

He stepped into his new home and he saw her face light up with a smile.
" You are here already? Go get fresh, food will be served... Kunwarsa!" Her call made him look up at her. Worry on his face.
" Is everything all right?" She asked equally worried.
" Yes, am hungry!" He managed a smile not enough to convince her.
" Tell me, you think am so weak that I can not handle bad news?"
" No... Ajabde... " He hesitated a little, "All right, sit down." She sat beside him as he narrated everything. She sat quietly as he searched her face for a reaction. She got up.
" When are you leaving? I need to get the packings done." He smiled as he got up and hugged her.
" I knew it Ajabde, I knew you will keep your promise. " She smiled trying to hide her anxiety. " Eat now, then I l pack."
" We are leaving the day after tomorrow. Now, you come to eat with me." She nodded.

That Night, he came into the house to find Daasis running all over the place. She stood in authority.
" Get me the bandages and the lep from Vaidji. We will need more of those in case. Mala, where is that extra bedding I ordered? Go get it now!"
He watched her lost in her work when he ordered " Ekanth."
" Aree, where are you people going? There is so much to do and so little time."
" Go!" He ordered again.
" Kunwarsa I..."
" You don't need to do this!"
" Do what?"
" Pretend to be strong for me."
" What?"
" You can share your fears!"
" Kunwar Pratap Singh's wife and fears?" She smiled.
"Your fear and care are always my strength and never my weakness. You never need to lie to me." Her eyes shone at his words. She hugged him.
" Kunwarsa... I..."
" Husshh I know."
" I will pray every day. I will pray aapko humari umar lag jaaye." He let go angrily.
" Never say that again. Without you I am nothing. You are my Life, My strength, my motivation."
She smiled at him.
" Let's save Mewar Kunwarsa."
" Yes, together."

As they hugged each other both prayed that the next day was the longest day ever because what will follow now was an uncertain future, a future they both knew, and never feared, until this moment, now!

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