Sucky Soulmark (NamKook) (Soulmate AU) (NSFW)

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Part of him did wonder if maybe he would never find his soulmate, it seemed less and less likely that he would ever hear those words spoken to him. He wanted a soulmate, he really did, but maybe it wasn't so bad if he never found it anyways. He had come to learn and love himself, he didn't need the last piece to finish him like he used to believe when he was younger.

He wanted somebody to accompany him through life, as a fully fleshed person, instead of somebody to complete him. So he didn't seek out anymore, and he also didn't 'save himself' the same way that some people tended to do for their soulmates.

As he became an adult and lived his life, the idea to save yourself seemed more and more silly. It was easy enough to say for people who found their soulmate early on, but when you started getting to your early and mid-twenties, you started wanting some action. So Namjoon would go out and hook up with somebody when the need became too big to ignore, and he refused to feel guilty about it, he was an adult man! There was nothing wrong with having needs.

That was exactly what he was doing when everything suddenly changed.

It was Friday and Namjoon really needed to blow some steam off, letting Yoongi and Seokjin convince him to go out to a club. That did also leave Namjoon as being the constant third wheel, as the two older of his friends were running on their 8th year of knowing they were soulmates, but it was better than nothing, at least in Namjoon's mind.

Ready to blow out some steam, he looked around at the bar. Trying to find exactly what it was that struck his fancy that night, as his two friends went to order them some drinks, familiar enough with Namjoon to know that he needed a moment to really find out what would be striking his fancy that night.

It was slim pickings, or maybe Namjoon was just very picky, which was likely both, as he looked over at the people in the bar. His attention settled on a man at the bar, dark hair in a ponytail, arms covered with tattoos.

He was not normally what Namjoon went for, his type was more... big and able to hold him up against the while fucking him, but there was something about that man that just drew Namjoon to him. Maybe it was his body language, or maybe it was his laugh. Not that Namjoon could actually hear the laughter, the sound of the bar was way too loud for that, but the way he threw back his head was enough to signal that he was laughing, and laughing a lot.

He was with a friend, but it didn't seem to be that type of friend, so Namjoon didn't feel too bad as he settled his attention on the dark-haired, moving close.

Still not sure how he was gonna play it, or if the other man would even be interested, and as the always overthinking he was, he was already making multiple plans on how to do this. That was just who he was.

Just as he was sure that he had settled on one, all of his plans were thrown out of the windows as he heard those goddamn words, as he finally got close enough to the man to hear what he was saying " Well Cock and Ball torture might not be my thing, but I think you should at least try it once.'"

Namjoon's head blanked as he took in those words.

Those very specific words.

There was no chance that this was the wrong one, that he would ever hear those words again. This was his soulmate, this man that he was meeting in a bar while looking for a hookup was his soulmate, was his endgame, was that perfect person meant to fit with him like nobody else, the choice that fate had decided for him.

Namjoon had thought many times about exactly what he was gonna say when he finally met his soulmate, questions he needed to ask, but all of them went out of his brain as he watched the man be about to say another sentence, and the words were out of his mouth before he could even stop them "YOU! What the hell is wrong with you? You made my life a living hell!"

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