Chapter One

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   Mikey slipped around the house, glancing behind his shoulder every few seconds. His nunchaku dripped from his sash by his side and he gingerly touched them from time to time. Sliding up to the metal door, he placed his head on it, listening to the other side for any signs of movement.

   Hearing nothing, he nodded. "I'm not too late then." Slipping a few fingers into the T-Emblem, he pulled out a bag and opened it. Shaking the contents out, a ring of metal arms fell to his palm.

   Squatting, he eyed the key hole for a few seconds before selecting the slice of metal that seemed like it would work the most. It slid inside and he moved it around, unconsciously sticking his tongue out as he focused on his task. Something finally clicked and he grinned, placing the lock pick back inside its brown sack. 

   "Got it!" 

   Opening the door, he walked inside and locked it behind him, before settling himself behind a bulky object that was covered with a blanket. At any other time, he would have loved to check out what Donnie was making, but right now, he had more pressing matters. And besides, Donnie would have just yelled at him, which was not something he was aiming to achieve right now. Setting his eyes on the door, he waited for it to open. 

   He did not have to wait long. Five minutes later, he could hear the keys jangling in the keyhole and he shrank even further behind the unidentified machine. He could hear the whoosh of the door as it slid open and closed again, and the heated muttering of Donnie as he walked across the room. 

   Actually, was hiding in his lab my greatest idea? Mikey thought, twiddling his fingers. He seems really upset right now. 

   A few seconds of silence passed by. "Why does everybody have to gang up on me!?" Donnie finally exploded. "I do as much as I can for them, and as hard as possible, but do they care? No! All they care about is themselves. All they want is what is right now, not what will help them in the future. Why do I even bother? I might as well just leave. See how they like it better," he ranted. 

   "Nobody wants you to leave, Donnie," Mikey said in a quiet voice. 

   Donnie's footsteps stopped. "Mikey!?" He stormed over to where he crouched behind his machine, his face glowering and his eyebrows drawn low. "What are you doing here? Did you see the invention?!" 

   "No, I didn't." Mikey stood up and opened his arms. "Hey, we don't hate you." 

   His brother snorted. "Sure feels like it." He walked away. 

   Mikey followed. "Are you really going to leave?" 

   "I might, if you do not stop bothering me. Mikey, get out." 

   "If I wanted to bother you, I could have looked at your invention. I could have messed up your lab. Heck, I would have joined the argument. But I didn't do any of those things. Why? Because I don't hate you." Mikey wrapped his arm around Donnie, who gripped the back of his chair. "Raph and Leo . . . they have their reasons for fighting. And you would have had the same ideas, if you were them. Just give them some time and they should come around." 

   Donnie sighed. "You really think it is that easy, huh?" 

   Mikey gave him his best cheerful grin. "Living with you guys most of my life makes me sure that is exactly how it works out." 

   He turned away. "Well not today."


   "Mikey, just get out. I know you are trying to help, but please stop. I want to be alone right now." He held one arm as he stared at the floor. 

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