
My eyes snapped open and I scanned the room, panic coursing through my body. I looked around and I was in a room, on a bed? I slowly sat up and my hand found my head. It hurt like a bitch. I groaned and and fell back onto the bed. I was alone, but for how long? Where is Ethan?

I continued to lay there, being as quite as I could, to see if I could hear anything. At first I heard nothing but then I started to hear footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly shot up and scanned the room for a weapon or a place to hide. The only place to hide was under the bed, and that was not an option. The only thing I could grab before the door swung open was a pencil, and hell, what kind of damage would that do? Hardly none.

I got into the best fighting stance I could do and glared at the guy who entered. He grinned and leaned against the door frame, staring at me.

"Hey beautiful, what's that gonna do? Make me bleed a little?"

I sighed and dropped it, he was right, what the fuck would a pencil do? Nothing.

"Where is my brother?"

"You'll get to see him soon. But for now, you're stuck with me." He grinned, plopping down on the computer chair. "Well, you're stuck with me 24/7 now. I'm Lucas by the way."

I tensed up. "Why did you take us?"

"Well sweetheart, fathers and Evies orders. And well, I wanted ya for myself the moment my father and I saw ya wandering towards the guest house."


He grinned. "Cause you're mine."

"E-excuse me? I don't think I heard you right."

"What's your name?"

"(Y/n) Winters." I looked down at my shirt. Only to notice it was all covered in blood.

He nodded and stood up. "Here." He took off his sweater and tossed it to me. "Put this on and take off your shirt so my ma can wash it."


"My ma isn't gonna be too happy to see you all covered in blood during supper." He smirked. "And, also since your mine I want you to wear this."

I stayed silent as he turned to his computer. I looked down at my shirt and noticed it had way more blood than I thought. I sighed, as much as I don't want to wear this guys sweater, I really didn't want my brothers blood all over me.

I looked back up at Lucas and once I was sure his focus was on his screen, I lifted my shirt off and placed it next to me. Leaving me in my bra. I quickly put on his zip up hoodie and did it up, pulling my knees up to my chest. I could run, but I don't have a weapon and he is more than likely faster than I am. But I could just run and hide. Hopefully finding my brother. With out thinking or planning this out, I shot up and booked it out of the room. Running down the hallway.

"Hey! Get back here!"

I continued to run, trying to get into the rooms but they were locked. I turned around and there he was, I ran full force passed him but he grabbed my wrists, pulling me into his chest and held me tightly against him.

"Come on, don't be like that. Don't wanna make me angry now do ya? Be a good little girl and stay by my side at all times or I'll have to chain you to a bed to teach ya a lesson. I don't wanna do that sweetheart. But I'll do what's necessary.. you understand that?"

I nodded and looked down at the ground. He turned me around. One of his hands still wrapped tightly around my waist and his other hand under my chin, making me look him in the face.

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