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— Jimin-e! - Baekhyun flew into the bedroom inspired. — You have no idea what news I have for you. Jin gave you permission to go out to the gym today!

Jimin, who didn't have time to run to the library, turned pale. A wave of panic washed over him. Is vacation over?

— Are you unwell? - Baekhyun got excited.

— It's...it's okay, - Jimin managed a cracked smile.— I'll need to... well... today. 

Baekhyun laughed at his inability to call a spade a spade, but Jimin didn't care. He's not ready. Not today. Still a couple of bruises did not come off! He is still thin and not at all handsome.

— Are you already thinking about how to select our clients? - Baekhyun asked cheerfully. — You can still do it. Tonight is just an introductory evening. Nobody will give you their men, - he winked.

- Oh.

Jimin sat down on the edge of the bed like a wreck. Damn it, even his knees began to shake! He didn't think he'd react that strongly, as he'd been setting himself up for... work all week.

— Are you sure you're okay? - Baekhyun clarified. — You're kind of retarded. Maybe we should go to Lou's?

— No no. Just a little dizzy. I'm better now.

— If you don't feel well, we can stay away today.

— I'm better, really.

— Well, if that's the case, then let's get together. Today we must be irresistible!

For Jimin, the preparation was a new experience. For the first time in his life, he was getting ready and preening with a friend. It turned out to be surprisingly fun and cool. Jimin was weird at first. He was never spoken to like that - without jokes and offensive words, he was never invited to parties and was not allowed to come close.But now Baekhyun acted like Jimin had black hair, like he was normal, like everyone else, worthy of being friends with him. For a moment, Jimin even forgot that he was Snow White and allowed himself to brag about the things he bought for him.

Baekhyun meticulously examined everything and chose for him a dark sweater with a wide neck and long sleeves, tight black jeans with slits. From above I forced to pull on my favorite blue sweater. Jimin laughed, saying that he would get tired in it, but Baekhyun was adamant with his "it's right" not only in terms of clothes, but also in terms of choosing accessories and makeup. Jimin never wears makeup, but seeing how handsome Baekhyun becomes with thick eyeliner, he stopped resisting.

As a result, when the redhead allowed him to go to the mirror, Jimin was literally speechless. He even touched his face to see if the reflection was real. The blue sweater sparkled with new colors against the background of dark things, even the sleeves of the sweaters peeking out from under it did not spoil the appearance, giving the image an unfamiliar charm. The makeup wasn't as flashy and flashy as Baekhyun's, but something subtly had changed. He seemed to himself somehow different, unfamiliar.

— Like? - Baekhyun smiled behind him.

— I do not know. Is that really me? - Jimin straightened his swept bangs and looked in the mirror in shock. And he, it turns out, is quite slender and ... cute? — I feel like Cinderella before the ball, - he chuckled nervously.

— And I'm your fairy godmother.  It's only at twelve that the carriage doesn't turn into a pumpkin, because our night is just beginning, - Baekhyun winked at him. — And now wait, I will also bring beauty.    

Jimin nodded, unable to tear himself away from the mirror. Seriously. Is it possible? His blond hair was not at all conspicuous now, he looked like he should be. Jimin was ashamed of his behavior and quickly moved to the bed. Why is he acting like a girl? Having wrinkled the sleeves of his sweatshirt in dismay, Jimin didn't even immediately respond to Baekhyun's call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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