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Jimin trudged along the pavement, staggering like a drunk. His tattered clothes hung in tatters and offered little protection from the chilly wind. Heavy drops of rain beat on the face, flowed down the cheeks, mixing with bitter tears.From despair and the humiliation experienced an hour earlier, he sobbed softly and walked thoughtlessly, seeing nothing in front of him, devastated and broken.

The class was still in front of my eyes, angry Hyorin with a group of girls, laughing at Minsoo and her friends. They looked at him like an animal in a zoo, put him at the blackboard, pulled off his pants and underpants and laughed, seeing how he cringes in fear. It was never so embarrassing and painful, even when he was beaten by a crowd in the school toilet, shoved in the corridors and poured mud from head to toe, calling him a whore. And he's not like that. He never kissed even once, and today for the first time he was touched by the hands of alphas, so disgustingly gone and brazenly, rudely crushing his buttocks.

Jimin whimpered again and clenched his fists. He hated them. Hated myself. Your white hair. Your essence. Hated the father he never knew. He hated his mother, who abandoned him at the age of five, leaving him alone to fight the whole world. Jimin still couldn't figure out why she was doing this to him. Why did she give it to her uncle, turned away and went into another life, forcing him to prove to everyone every day that he is not a wild animal with a rare color, that he is hurt and lonely.

Since childhood, everyone looked at him strangely, even when he was just walking down the street, looking around, poking a finger at him and whispering, calling him Snow White. Jimin didn't understand anything, and when he asked his always drunk uncle, he brushed him off and contemptuously added: "Because your father was a whore, and you will become the same, puppy." And then he began to notice that there was not a single person with blond hair around, only brunettes and various shades of red, green, blue. Ajuma from the bakery spoke about the peculiarities of people with one or another hair color, taking pity on the restless baby. From her, Jimin learned that Snow Whites are those who were not lucky enough to be born with white hair, because they were always perceived as comfort slaves. Jimin didn't understand what "comfort" meant at the time, but when he saw how Ajuma's face twisted, he decided that it was something bad.

After that, he began to hide his hair color - he wore caps, hats, avoided crowded places. Only this did not save him when he had to go to school. There, he quickly turned from a white crow into a general laughingstock and became an object of bullying. And the older the omega got, the more sophisticated the persecution was.

Jimin tried not to react, to be silent, to walk silently and speak quietly so that they would not notice him, so that they would not beat him or threaten him. But he still didn't succeed. Something cracked inside from every offensive word. The teachers stubbornly ignored all the bullying, and Jimin did not complain, knowing that no one would listen to him.

Only today his classmates crossed all boundaries. They had never humiliated him like this before.

In a flash, as if on a repeat, this evening - how they tore his clothes, how they undressed him, suppressing resistance and screams, and put him naked at the blackboard, filming everything on camera, how they examined him, they touched him unpleasantly, ignoring tears and pleas.
Jimin was no longer a child and knew that after today it would only get worse. They will not leave him alone, they will turn him into what he was born to be. Today they had enough of his tears and humiliation, and tomorrow, as promised to Mins, they will make him "work with his mouth."So, pulling on his torn clothes and climbing out of the empty school, Jimin decided that he would not return to it anymore. Can not. And does he need a school? What awaited him ahead, except for the eternal neglect on the part of people?

The light from the street lamps grew a little dim in the middle of the bridge, and Jimin stopped. The sound of water attracted, he sweetly beckoned, promising a solution to all problems, and it was difficult to resist this. Jimin moved closer to the parapet and looked down. It's dark in there and you can't see anything. Scary, but being on this side is even scarier.

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