She's Allergic

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"You should have seen you're faces when Mav walked in the room." I chuckle.

Hangman and Payback walk beside me as we wait for Maverick to finish getting ready.

"Glad you got enjoyment out of our moment of awkward. If I knew he was a Captain,  I'd never have thrown him out..." Hangman pauses then smirks and nudges me. "So, Captain, how in the world did you get so far so fast?"

I smirk. "I travel at the speed of light, my friend."

Payback snorts. "Too fast for anyone else to catch up. Maybe slow it down so the rest of us don't look so incompetent?"

"Not a chance!" I smile. "I'm supposed to be a leader here. A good leader, leads by example. Gotta be the best of the best."

"And you definitely are." Hangman smiles at me, somehow looking deeper than just my eyes. It's really quiet for a moment and we all turn when Maverick yells at Bradley.

When I look back, I see Rooster and Maverick talking. Well...Mav's talking. Rooster is...I should probably check on him.

When he and Mav part ways I head off from Hangman. Rooster towering over me as I step in his beeline and he halts.

"Why didn't you tell me he was here?" He frowns, he's upset to say the least,  but it's not really geared toward me. His face softens, but not his eyes.

"I didn't know what to say. Keeping you occupied delayed the inevitable." I shrug.

He brushes past me and I follow him. His eyes dead-set on something. No idea what. I can feel the anger emanating from him like heat from a furnace.

"Coroner, let's go!"

I spot Maverick as I take Rooster's sleeve. He raises a brow at me and I sigh.

"Don't do anything stupid." I say.


"Good morning, aviators." Maverick swishes through a small space between two planes, causing them to lean out of the way as suprized pilots sound in the radio. "This is your Captain speaking."

"I thought we had co-ownership here, Mav." I pull an inverted sideways loop over both planes, herding them back into a closer position. I can practically see Coyote's jaw drop even with his mask on."Suggestion. You're Captain One and I'm Captain Two."

He chuckles. "Tell them today's lesson, Captain Two."

"Ladies and gentleman." My voice takes the accent of a pretty British flight attendant. I check some measurements on my console. "You're due for some basic flight maneuvers. Check it; 5,000 foot hard deck. Guns only, no missiles. Goal is to shoot Captain One or myself. If we shoot either of you first, you've both failed. Savey?"

"Let's make the game a little better shall we?" Fanboy and Coyote pull up under Mav and me.

"What do you have in mind fellas?"

"First shot down gets to do 200 pushups."

"I don't like pushups." Mav cocks his head at me.

"They don't call it excersize for nothing, Captain One." I smirk, forgetting he can't see it under my mask.

Mav nods. "Right then. 200 pushups it is. Let's get to work, Captain Two."

Time after time, Maverick and I slice and dice these kids. They don't have a chance. There are even times when I don't go with Mav. Times when Mav doesn't come with me.

They Call Me the Coroner | Top Gun: MaverickTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang