Chapter 1

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Sum of the story:
Tomioka is visited by Kocho, who offers him some food. Well, force-fed him the food. A bit of shit I don't know how to explain, and then a hashira meeting. Enjoy!

(The an0rex1c/bul1m1c{IM not too sure which it is, I think more anorexic} parts will be marked with 💚 and when they end it'll be 🧡. )

Giyuu Tomioka's POV:

I sat in my secluded estate under a sakura tree. The bench I sat on had a marble pattern which was white and gold. I gingerly stood up and walked over to my koi pond to feed them.

I was alone again.

There was a knock at my door as soon as I stepped inside,weird. I didn't have any visitors usually.

I opened the door and sighed. Kocho. Of course it was Kocho.

"Ne,ne Tomioka-san! I brought some food for you, Mitsuri-san and I made it!"

"Oh. Arigato."

Kocho looked to the side of me to see the interior of my estate, at least I think she was. She then pushed her way past me and turned around. "Don't forget we have a hashira meeting today!"

"I know."

"Are you going to eat the food?"

"Yes. Once your gone."

"Ne, don't be a baby! Try some now!" Kocho quickly grabbed some of the food, from the look of it I think it was mochi, could've been something else though. She shoved it in my mouth with a quite a bit of force, which then made me have to chew it.

"That was good." I muttered after I had swallowed it.

"I knew you'd like them! Well, Tomioka-san, I need to get going now! Don't forget the meeting! Sayonara!"

Kocho then pushed past me again and sprinted off. Weirdo.

I closed the door and wondered to the bathroom. The food was good, I guess. But I didn't need to eat. I was trying to lose weight,my body figured sickened me. I stuck my fingers down my throat to force me to throw up. After a few more times of repeating that action I finally did it. Then another time of throwing up.

And another.

And another.


Dazed, I stepped out the bathroom shakily. My throat was sore and I felt weak to the core. I tried walking but then collapsed soon after. My head was spinning and I soon spaced out.

Once I recovered, I knew I had to get to the meeting. I quickly grabbed my haori and sighed, then ran off.


I edged away from the hashira once I had arrived at the meeting. I didn't consider myself to be a hashira, so I kept my distance. Shinazugawa took it the wrong way. Now that I mention it, I guess he looked a bit worried. They all did, I think it was about me? Well, Obanai didn't look worried. He couldn't give two shits. I guess I was coughing and I guess my voice was hoarse, but why would they worry over me?


Kocho came up to me after the meeting and asked if everything was okay. She started messing with my mask, asking if she could see my face. I shook my head and pushed her away, then walked off.

No one's POV:
Iguro walked over to Sanemi."That bitch seemed a bit ill." Sanemi had said.
"Why would you give a shit about that? He's just an emotionless freak."

At Tomioka' Estate. --Still no one's POV:
Tomioka was alone again, with his thoughts. His intruding thoughts. As he sat alone in his estate, feeding his owl, it was hard not to dive into his thoughts.

Deep in thought, he didn't realise a knock at the door.

Sanemi's POV:
"This bitch. Why isn't he answering the door? Yknow what? I'm just going in."


Okay that was the end of this chapter ig- it was really fun to write and Im definitely gonna do a chapter 2, I also want to do an obamitsu story but I have no idea how to plan that out- anyway i hope you enjoyed the first chapter and if you have any suggestions please do say them-

702 words.♡

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