Chapter 10

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Help. I have no idea what to do for this chapter.

Like AT ALL. I'm so sorry this hasn't come out quicker, I just genuinely don't know what to write.

Giyuus POV
I looked down at my mask that Shinazugawa had given me, then back up at Shinazugawa. He looked like he wanted to say something else, so I tilted my head slightly.
"..huh-?" He replied with a little bit of hesitation.
"Sorry- uh, you looked like you wanted to say something else so.."
"Oh! Yeah. Uh. Sorry if this is weird, but do you want to go to a restaurant with me, like.. Next week?"
"Oh. Well I'm free next week, so sure."
"I'll come here in a week then and pick you up."
"Alright, Shinazu-"
"Call me Sanemi."
"Oh, then you can call me Giyuu." We went silent for a bit, then Sanemi spoke.
"Bye, waterboy."
"Bye bitch!"
"Oi-" Sanemi stopped mid-sentence and waved goodbye, walking away. I sighed and closed the door. I slid down the door clutching my mask.

"Holy shit. I'm going on a date with Sanemi."

The restaurant that Sanemi had taken me to was in a quiet, secluded town that was surrounded by wisteria. It was designed like a cottage, cream coloured walls, and wooden supports that added a lot to the aesthetic vibe of the place. There were plants that hung from the ceiling and wisteria that was beautifully growing on the walls. Sanemi and I walked over to a table by the window, which basically covered the majority of a wall that looked out onto the street. I didn't have my mask on since I wasn't expecting to see any of the other hashira, and I kept noticing Sanemi staring at my eyes.

"Why do you keep looking in my eyes?" I asked, hoping it wasn't an awkward question.
"Oh, I just find them pretty." He said, mumbling something at the end.
"What was that?"
"Uhh- nothing!! I can stop looking if you want me to."
"No its- it's fine."

Soon, the waitress came to ask us if we were ready to order. I froze slightly, remembering that I'd have to eat, but shook the thought away. We both told her our order, mine was a small portion of simmered salmon with daikon, and Sanemi's was ******** (make yo fucking mind up I cant, idk what he'd eat)

Although we were in a town that wasn't well-known, somehow two of the other hashira saw us. Those two, being Uzui and Mitsuri, made a huge fuss about
1. Me not wearing my mask. They kept talking about how I looked and asked why I wore the mask if my face didn't have anything to hide on it,
And 2, why Sanemi and I were both in a restaurant. Talking. Not in uniform. And eating together.
Eventually, though, Sanemi had convinced them to leave. It was more of an open threat, but I didn't mind. As long as we were alone. I sighed, and Sanemi looked at me.
"You okay? They saw you without your mask -"
"Yep! I'm fine." I quickly replied, accidentally cutting him off mid-sentence.

No ones POV
The two were having a small conversation whilst eating. Tomioka ate in very small bites, not wanting to eat too much. He wanted to get something off his chest (his binder- stop, no why'd that make me laugh)
So he asked the question again. "What's your opinion on trans people?"
"Giyuu, you asked me that before."
"I- I know! I just wanted to know.. again."
"I already told you, I'm fine with them."
Tomioka bit his tongue anxiously.
"Whyd you ask again?"
"Ah- I.. no reason!"

After they had finished their meal and paid, Sanemi took Giyuu's hand and led him to a small clearing on top of a cliff, with a mix of sakura trees and wisteria trees surrounding it. There was a gap between all the trees where the two could easily see the sunset.
"Sanemi? Whyd you bring me here?"
"I uh.. shit, how do I say this.."
"Say what?"
Sanemi could feel his face burning up as he looked at Giyuu. How could a man be so oblivious whilst Sanemi was so obvious?
Sanemi inhaled sharply. "I-" He bit his lip anxiously.
"You?" Giyuu said softly. Giyuu, as oblivious as he was, did have an idea of what Sanemi was going to say. Sanemi was basically red. He kept glancing at Giyuu's lips without noticing, so Giyuu decided to make the first move. He quickly came closer to Sanemi, to which he turned red. "Just.. tell me if you don't like it." Giyuu whispered, then leaned in to kiss Sanemi. Sanemi gratefully accepted the kiss, closing his eyes. They both wanted the kiss to last longer, but they pulled away for breath.

Giyuu turned red. "A-Ah! I'm sorry-!" Sanemi cut him off. "You get flustered easily, don't you?~" He whispered in Giyuus ear. Giyuu panicked and covered his face, but Sanemi removed his hands and kissed him again. Giyuu rested his head on Sanemi's shoulder, his face was bright red with blush. The sun was now setting, and the two watched silently. Giyuu then whispered something. "You know, Sanemi, I've -" He inhaled. "I've liked - no, loved, you for ages now. Ever since I met you, actually. I liked you back then, even though you were kind of a dick to me." He said, holding back a small laugh at the end.

Sanemi held Giyuu tighter. "Man, Im fucking glad you confessed first. I was to scared to."
"I could tell."
"Well then, do you want to be my boyfriend?~" Sanemi whispered into Giyuu's ear.
"The fuck do you think, airhead? Obviously, I do."

(Rahh I hope u guys liked this chapter!! I wrote quite a lot of this at school, lmao (I'm not allowed my phone out at school) and also when I was ill!!!! Anyway, idk what to do after this, but i have a vague idea!!

Oh also! I'm working on an Iguro angst story!! It's gonna have like 2 chapters, BUT MY BBG IGURO DESERVES ALL THE LOVE 😍😍😍)

Anyway, idk how many words there is wjilst im writing this cause I still need to finish the very beginning of this lmaoo

Okay update 1061 words <3

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