Ending. V1 (Angst)

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Giyuu sat in the bathroom still, blood dripping down his arms. He stared into the mirror above the sink. He was pale, skinny, he looked.. sick. Maybe he was. The stench of blood and tears filled the room, and he looked around, thinking what to do next. He knew Sanemi was meant to be back soon. He wanted to hang on, he really did, but even with Sanemi helping him through everything, he still hated the earth. It was painful. He looked around the room, searching for something.

Giyuu's eyes landed on a bottle of painkillers. He reached out for them, his arms shaking. There were two letters in his pocket. It was for Sanemi and the Kamado siblings.

Giyuu opened the bottle and quickly downed a handful of the pills, then, thinking it wasn't enough, he did it again. The bottle was empty by the time he felt it was enough.

He was dizzy, weak, and he felt like he was losing consciousness. He coughed, his chest feeling like it was being clamped by something. He knew he couldn't hold on longer, and sighed, sitting on the floor to rest.


Sanemi let out a sigh of relief. He was home. Iguro came with him, and they went to check the water estate first. Sanemi wanted to make sure Giyuu was okay. He opened the door and walked in, looking around in every room and calling his name. "Do you think he's doing something outside?" Iguro questioned.
Sanemi shrugged, trying to play it cool. He was panicking. He knocked on the last room, since it was the bathroom. No response. Slowly, he opened the door.

His heart dropped. He felt sick. He cursed under his breath, then dropped down on his knees to hold Giyuu close to him. "Giyuu.." He whispered.
"Nemi.. I-Im sorry.."
"No.. please don't leave."
"..I wish.. I had a choice.." Giyuu muttered, pain lacing every word.
"Sh, please. Don't..  don't use up your strength.."
Iguro stood by the door, watching the scene. He didn't interrupt. He knew he shouldn't. Recently though, he had gotten close with Giyuu, since he spent so much time around Sanemi. A few tears appeared in his eyes, but he kept quiet. He didn't want to ruin Sanemi's last moments with Giyuu, even if they were already sad.

"Nemi.. I'm going to die anyway.. it doesn't-" Giyuu was cut off by a coughing fit.
"Please.. don't go." Sanemi said, tears streaming down his face now.
"Don't.. don't cry, blondie.." Giyuu replied, trying to lighten the mood. He was in pain, and the pain he was in seemed to have an effect on Sanemi and Iguro.

"I dont want you to go."
"I have to.." Giyuu muttered tears now falling out of his eyes too.
"Hey.. nemi..?"
Sanemi hummed in response, too stunned to speak now.
"Smile.. for me. I.. I want to see you smile.. before I go.."
Sanemi smiled the best he could. He was breaking.
"A-and Iguro..?"
"Please.. take care of Nemi, for me.."
Iguro nodded, trying not to cry more.
"Nemi.. I..  I love you. So, so, much.." And with those words, he was gone. Sanemi pulled him closer, choking on his sobs. "I.. I love you too.." He whispered.

Iguro fought back tears as he walked closer to the two lovers, one now gone. He kneeled down and gently pulled a note from Giyuu's pocket. "Sanemi.. Do you want to read this?"

Sanemi nodded, still holding Giyuu close. He weakly grabbed the note from Iguro, then began reading.

I'm sorry.

To whoever is reading this, this letter is meant for Sanemi. Please.. make sure he sees this letter.

Hey, Sanemi. If you're reading this, I'm..  I'm probably gone.. I just wanted to say, none of this is your fault. You helped me through the toughest times, and I couldn't have made it without you, but.. everything was too painful. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I had to leave. Please, don't cry. I want you to keep on living, keep on having the life you had when we weren't close. You seemed happy then, and I want you to be happy now.

Keep on being the same aggressive, loud, blondie I know and love, and don't be afraid to love again. I won't mind. I just want you to be happy, Nemi. I'll watch over you. If I see your family, I'll tell them about everything you've done for me. Just remember, none of this was your fault. This was all my decision.

Be nice to the Kamado siblings and their friends. I'll know if you're not, so please. I wrote a letter for them too, but please give them it, its in the same pocket as this note.

Show this to master if you feel like you need to, but I'm not bothered on what you do with this note. Just know, that I'll always be with you, you just won't be able to see me.

I love you so, so much. I'm sorry.
-Giyuu, xx

Sanemi gave up on trying not to cry. He had read the letter. He knew his lover was gone. He didn't think that he'd ever love again, and he didn't think he'd ever be the same again. Iguro had also stopped fighting the tears, and was now by Sanemi's side, comforting him. Sanemi cried into his shoulder. He had broken down.

L bozos imagine. Anyway, hoped you like this xx
The fluff ending will be posted after, I have no motivation after this and I cba to write it rn.
969 words <3

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