Calling: Part 3

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If anyone came asking, Kayla had a list of thirty seven reasons for missing breakfast- she'd come up with the list as she stitched herself up, to keep herself from passing out or panicking.

When morning came, she'd stayed in the infirmary. Healing herself had put her behind on charts and if Will was able to keep up with them, Kayla was too. She would not give her brother the satisfaction of being better at this job than her.

She finished them at the same time as the first patients began filing in. The beginner swordsmanship classes always had the highest injury rates, but for the most part, they were easy to fix. She moved slowly, stitching, gauzing, and disinfecting patient after patient. None of them asked about- or even noticed- when she winced from stretching too fast, or when she bit her lip because her side hurt.

WILL: everything good in the infirmary kaykay?

Kayla didn't hesitate in sending a smiley face and a thumbs up before getting back to work. The sun set before she had a moment to herself.
The beginning of the summer was always the busiest for the healers- there were so many new kids who thought they could beat the Ares cabin kids. None of them ever did.

Clarisse had taken to sending an apology note for all the maiming her cabin would do and twenty drachmas for coffee on the first day of the summer session.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and fished a popsicle out of the freezer in the back before sitting down to look at her own wound.

"This is definitely gonna scar," she hissed as she poked it. It didn't look infected, but the stitches were messy and sloppy- stitching other people up was so much easier than doing it on yourself. "At least it's stopped bleeding, though."

Sunshine Kids (Apollo Cabin Oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz