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PUBLISHED: 16/07/2022

You spritzed the vinegar in the spray bottle over your mirror, Saoirse wiping it up with newspaper. You and Saoirse giggled and giggled as you got the bottle of rubbing alcohol and dipped the cotton swab in it, writing your message for Finn onto the mirror, Saoirse grabbing her own cotton bud and dipping it into the liquid, drawing pictures to decorate around the message.

You worked quickly, then headed downstairs, shushing each other as you snuck back through your bedroom, trying your best not to wake Finn up as you headed downstairs and into the kitchen, starting up on breakfast.

Finn woke up to the smell of bacon cooking, which made his stomach rumble. He headed into the bathroom, turning the hot water on at the sink, washing his face and hands. He didn't like cold water, even in summer. It always had to be hot.

He went to look at himself in the mirror, but noticed the words in the fog on the glass.

'Happy Father's Day!
Thank you for everything you do for this family.
We wouldn't be here without you.
With love from,
(Y/N), Saoirse, Finn Junior,
Daisy, Duke, Charlotte,
Tuck, the chickens, and the twins'

Finn grinned widely as he read the last bit. You were having twins. Polly and Esmeralda saw it in a dream. You, surprisingly, had no dreams about your babies. It was everyone else.

Finn headed downstairs, already in a good mood. His good mood became lifted when he saw you and Saoirse arranging pancakes on a plate, everything already set out on the dining table. You looked over at your husband, and your eyes lit up at the sight of him.

"Good morning, my darling," You greeted, coming around the table and walking to him, hugging him the best you could with your stomach in the way.

"Good morning, my love," Finn replied, then placed a chaste kiss on your lips.

Saoirse gagged at the pair of you, making you chuckle as Finn pulled away.

"Good morning to you, little miss," Finn said, and Saoirse hummed in reply, mouth full with some of the strawberries that were meant to go on top of the pancakes.

Finn knelt down, placing a kiss on your very prominent bump and saying good morning to his 'daughters'. You were now at the beginning of your third trimester. Only a couple more months and they would be here, in your arms. Finn was excited — nervous, but mainly excited.

"We don't know if they're girls, Finn," You sighed exasperatedly, slightly annoyed with the way he insisted that they were girls.

"I feel it in my gut," He replied as he guided you over to the table, pulling out chairs for you and Saoirse before sitting down himself.

"I want girls too," Saoirse agreed, and Finn high-fived the girl, making you roll your eyes at the pair as you started filling a plate with food.

"I want healthy babies," You said simply, but you were hoping for boys.

Boys that could look out for their younger siblings. Boys that could be a good big brother, like Bonnie is to you.

"Well we already have two sons, let's hope these two are girls to even it up, aye bubbas?" Finn said, rubbing your bump at the end of his sentence.

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