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PUBLISHED: 12/06/2022

You and Finn were sat at either end of your dining room table in Artillery Square, you in a pair of jeans and a yellow sweater, and him in a grey suit that you helped pick out of his wardrobe, only just getting home from work. He had asked your opinion on his clothes, which you found funny. He never did it before. He told you that he wanted to look decent for an important meeting with Tommy, which was fair enough.

You had stayed at home, going shopping, reading books, and practicing mathematics, which bored you endlessly. Maybe you'd join a club, so you'd have something to do until Tommy decided you were of use.

It had been a couple of days since your family had started camping on the grounds of Arrow House, and a couple of days since you and Finn had taken Saoirse clothes shopping, so you could have fresh clothes at your apartment if you and him ever needed to look after her. You did the same for Finn's nephews and nieces, making sure to get sizes bigger than they needed as well, knowing how quickly children grew. You had also bought a trundle bed for each of your beds, in case you ever needed to babysit a lot of kids at a time. You had a feeling that they were going to get some good use.

If Esme replied to your latest message to her, you'd have all seven of her and John's kids here sometime soon, for a two day visit, watched closely by Jenica's sister, Tatiana, and the Lee boy she ran away with. His name was Trevor, according to Tatiana, who told you last Sunday after church, when you went over to Jenica's for a cup of tea.

Finn picked up his pencil, and you did the same, still confused as to why he sat you at the table in the first place.

"We are going to make a mind map," Finn announced, "One for me, and one for you."

You wordlessly wrote Finn's name on the white sheet in front of you, him doing the same.

"Now, you're going to write ten things that you think describe me. I'm going to do the same. After we're done our ten things about me, we'll do ten things about you, then show each other." Finn announced, and you nodded, already writing the first word about Finn down in your neat print.

He had learned this exercise from Uncle Charlie, not long after Finn moved in with him.


Throughout this whole ordeal, Finn was kind to you. Most of the time. He was kind to your family, all of the time.


You'd be stupid to not write that one down. Finn would be stupid to not see it. You wondered if he got his looks from his mother or his father. You hadn't ever seen a photo of either of them. He didn't have any. You were sure he didn't want any.


He was brave. Braver than you'd ever be, you were sure.


You saw the way he walked — no, strutted — around Small Heath as if he owned it. He may as well have, being a Shelby. It was attractive, his confidence.


Always buying more biscuits, buying more beds, buying clothes, bringing home yellow things that he said reminded him of you. Your favourite thing that he was brought home was a painting of a sunflower, which now sat on the mantle of your fireplace, bringing some life to the dull place.

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