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PUBLISHED: 23/05/2022

Bonnie and Aberama sat in the stables at Charlie's yard, waiting for Tommy Shelby. The horses were pacing around as if they were nervous about what was about to happen.

A person came storming through the door, carrying a lantern and placing it on the table. Tommy. He had a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth, as usual. He reached into his coat, and pulled out some bills, putting them onto the table in front of Aberama.

"Uh, two." Aberama protested, "We killed two."

He looked back at Bonnie proudly.

Tommy pulled the cigarette from his lips, "You also shot a copper."

"Shot in the arm — with purpose," Aberama replied, not missing a beat, "There's a copper on the floor, the Stratford Constabulary will swarm all over it."

"The copper's alive. Got a description of the Italians. The Italians will be forced underground. We're gypsies. We're already underground," Aberama stated proudly, Bonnie taking a sip of his drink in silent agreement.

Tommy swallowed as he looked at the pair, placing the cigarette back into his mouth as he reached back into his coat.

"You yourself inflicted the no casualties this end so..." Aberama trailed off as Tommy threw the wad onto the table.

Aberama grabbed it, "You know, Mr. Shelby, maybe you've been pushing around pieces of paper too long."

"Luca Changretta got away. You let him get away." Tommy said simply, pointing at the pair, "When our paths cross I won't be so careless."

Aberama looked up from the table, smirking at Tommy, "And when will your paths cross?"

"Soon." Tommy announced, taking a long draw from his cigarette.

"You gave us too much money," Bonnie pointed out as Tommy exhaled the smoke, earning a cuff around the ears from his father.

"Your sister, the newest Shelby, was in that Rolls Royce. The Italians have her. I figured you could use some compensation." Tommy announced, placing the cigarette back into his mouth and grabbing the lantern, quickly exiting the stables, leaving Bonnie and Aberama in shock.


You came to, tied to a steel chair. You tried to get out of your restraints, to no avail. You looked around the room you were in. Concrete floor, concrete walls, one set of wooden stairs leading up to a door. No windows, but there was a rickety fan above you, along with a flickering light that hurt to look at.

The door opened, and through it came a man you had only seen in photos. Luca Changretta. He was carrying a wooden chair of his own. He silently walked down the creaky stairs, placed the chair onto the floor, dragging it over until it was in front of you, then he sat himself down in it gracefully. Another man came down and sat on the stairs. You didn't know him.

Luca produced a cigarette from his pocket, and placed it into his mouth, then pulled a lighter out and lit the cigarette. You stared at the flame on the end as he took his first puff, watching the white paper turn to ash. He stared at you, as if trying to figure you out.

He removed the cigarette from his mouth, then tapped it against his knee, removing the ash from the end. He flipped it around in his fingers as he held it out to you, silently offering you a draw.

You shook your head, "I don't smoke. I don't like the smell of it."

"Smart girl," Luca replied, bringing the cigarette back to his mouth, "You'd be too young to smoke, wouldn't you?"

"Sixteen," You supplied, knowing full well that he would know how old you were.

"Yeah, I heard that through the grapevine," Luca muttered, "And that you were married. Congratulations to you, and your husband, Mr. Finn Shelby."

You narrowed your eyes, then spat on the man's cheek. He sighed as he used his shirt sleeve to remove the substance from his face.

"I take it that your husband is a sore spot?" Luca asked, eyes flickering over your scowling face.

"I hate him and he hates me, our families married us for the benefit of everyone but me and Finn!" You snapped, making Luca give a short nod.

You knew what he was doing. You had done the same in the past. He was interrogating you to see if he could use you to get to the Shelby family. Unfortunately for him, they all hated you. Or so you thought.

"That's rough. I apologise," Luca said, not one sincere note in his tone.

"Is now the time we hold hands and confess our mutual feelings of hate for the Shelby family?" You snarked, making Luca chuckle.

"You're exactly like your ma described," Luca informed you, taking another draw from his cigarette, "She's a real piece of work, you know? She gave you up for a few bottles of cocaine."

Smart. She could sell them to support her for a little while. With how frugally she lived, you wouldn't be surprised if it supported her for the rest of her life.

You snorted, "She sure does know how to make her only child feel loved and supported. Her and my father, he palmed me off to the Shelby family for fuck all. Then, the Shelby family doesn't even like me. I got into a fight with Arthur Shelby's wife, have you seen her, Linda, that blonde one who has the holier than thou expression on her face at all times? Yeah, her, so, none of them like me. They don't like the fact that I upset their little Finny too."

"Sounds like you're trying to make it out that they don't care for you," Luca pointed out, making you frown.

"No one cares," You replied quietly, "That's why they push me to the side. If my own mother gave me up for a few bottles of cocaine then why would people that I've been thrown at love me? I'm just always in their way. My own husband doesn't love me, and it's going to be that way until one of us dies because we're not allowed to divorce."

Luca felt a pang of sadness in his chest as you spoke. It sounded as if you really believed those words.

"Your little act would fool me if your ma — and other informants — didn't tail you and Finn around for the past week. I know they all like you. So, I'm keeping you here until either one of them dies or I get sick of seeing your face and kill you myself. Lucky for you, you've got a pretty face so you might be able to stay for a while," Luca decided, leaning one arm back on his chair, then turning around to face the other man on the stairs, "Matteo, come help me move our guest upstairs so she can take a phone call. Oh, and (Y/N)? If you kill a man of mine, I'll kill a member of the Shelby family to even it up, starting with your little husband."

As the two men came over and untied you, then led you upstairs, you decided one thing; protect the Shelby family at any cost, even if that cost was your life.

One life lost to keep a family together wouldn't hurt anyone.


oooh shit just got real lmao

Love y'all ❤️

- Sunflower x

Contrary - Finn Shelby x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora