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PUBLISHED: 16/07/2022

You headed into the changing rooms, chattering to your teammates about how you won the game. Your netball shoes were perfect, having gel insoles. Finn knew what he was doing when he got them for you as a gift. You'd have to tell him when you meet up with him and Saoirse after you were done changing.

You were about to head into a stall, when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to see Dinah standing there, her braids up in a ponytail today.

"You grab the right sized dress today?" She  asked quietly, and you scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yeah, of course," You replied equally as low.

"It's getting a bit tight, especially around the midriff," She advised you, making you scowl as you stepped into the stall and slammed the door shut behind you.

You looked at yourself in the mirror that hung up behind the door. Your stomach was bigger. But, you ate a lot, and you didn't do nearly as much walking as you did when you were a traveller. That would be why.

You'd tell Dinah that and make her apologise, you decided as you quickly changed.


You and Polly sat at a table in a small café, heading there for your lunch break. Finn was outside, finishing off his smoke.

You tapped your fingers against your teacup, feeling content. Polly eyed you as you looked out of the window, lost in thought.

"Polly," You began, sounding far away.

Polly gave a hum of acknowledgment before finishing off her tea.

"You and my father — What's going on there?" You questioned softly, looking at Polly.

Polly shifted in her seat, not uncomfortable with the question, just caught off guard.

"We've got a thing," She admitted confidently, and you grinned at the woman.

"In your forties and still breaking hearts," You teased, making her smile, a faint pink tinting her cheeks.

Finn came back in, and slid into the booth next to you. You looked down at your cup, then took a sip and slid it over to Polly, who looked surprised.

"I've been eating more and someone even said that my stomach looked bigger. I don't want to go to the doctor if I'm not actually there yet. I don't think I am. I don't know if I'll ever be there. My parents, both of them, they don't have babies easily," You explained, dropping your voice low on that last piece of information, and Polly nodded understandingly as she grasped your cup.

Aberama had told her that. Finn had no idea that Aberama struggled, but seeing how Ezzie, Bonnie, and Saoirse were all spaced out it made sense. Traveller couples usually popped out a baby every year or so.

Finn slipped his hand into yours, and squeezed it three times, watching as his aunt looked at your tea leaves. He felt somewhat nervous. He thought that maybe you were pregnant; he noticed small changes, like the way you always got sick, and the way that everything made you feel sick. He noticed that you ate more and that you gained weight.

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