"Oh shit!" What have I done.

"What? what is it- oh my god." Trey said looking at the pictures."that's the guy I seen her with at the store."

"Trey! He's fucking gay!" I yelled.

"Well shit how was I supposed to know, he looked straight to me." He said rolling his eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I continued to look at the pictures, my eyes weren't deceiving me it was the same guy, and I couldn't believe I put my hands on her for no reason, I didn't even allow her to explain herself I just let my anger take full control.

"You know him?" He asked.

"Yes this is her best friend, she was at brunch with her best friend, I knew Anura wouldn't dare cheat on me, I lashed out on her for no reason and now...-"

"And now she's gone?" Trey finished, I nodded my head at him.

"Look man I gotta go." I turned off her phone and took out my keys out my pocket.

"Are you going to go find her?" He asked me, I turned my head and nodded at him, he give me a slight head nod.

"Go get your girl man." He said, I dapped him up and left the club, I got in my car and drove off, I've been searching for her for the last couple of days, I went to her favorite places like the movie theater, the beach, Barnes and nobles, nail salon she visits a lot even her job but she's never there, I sighed and drove there's only one person I know I can go to who knows Anura and probably even knows where she's at.

Luna's POV

I was seated on my couch watching 'What happened to Monday' on Netflix, I wanted to see what the hype was and I honestly can say I was enjoying the movie, Monday was a selfish bitch and I loved her the most out of all the sisters, I could relate to her in so many ways. I heard my doorbell being rang profusely, I quickly got up and went to answer it but not before looking through the peephole, It was Dave, I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Dave what are you doing here?" I asked stepping aside to let him in, he walked in and began looking around.

"What are you looking for?" I asked confused, I closed the door and crossed my arms.

"Is Anura here?" I mentally rolled my eyes.

"No why?" I asked passing by him and took my seat right back in the couch.

"She left me and I don't know where she went." I almost choked on my spit, I snorted and left out a small giggle, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I turned my head and gave him my full attention.

"Wait wait wait What?! Anura left you? As in she left you left you or just left you?"

"It's not funny! And yes she left me for good and I need to find her and apologize."

I began to laugh uncontrollably, I couldn't believe that Dave was actually here at my house asking me where my sister was as if I was her keeper, how cute, he looked pretty distressed, and I wanted to play with his emotions a little, this was payback." She said she doesn't want to see you anymore." I lied, but it probably was true, I wonder if she found out about his infidelity.

"So you've talked to her in the last couple of days?"

"Oh yes I talked to her today actually, she's so upset Dave, like really upset but she wouldn't tell me what happened between y'all, it was almost as if she was trying to protect you but do you mind telling me why you had my sister crying to me?"

"Fo'real? she was crying?" His tone soften and he looked at me sadly, I gave him a disgusted look.

"Um yeah but tell me what happened."

"I accused her of cheating? But do you know where she could've gone?" My sister and cheating shouldn't even be in the same sentence, I don't think she'd ever have the balls to cheat on Dave or anyone in that matter but if she did cheat cheers to her for growing some balls and stepping up to Dave because lord knows the dirty shit he's doing behind her back.

"I have no idea where she's at." I said truthfully, I turned my attention back to the movie, I heard him let out a breath and sit right next to me.

"I miss her."



OOP Dave misses her?👀 tea anyone?

Luna is messy I like her 😌

Trey knows DAMN WELL 🙄 he's lowkey glad that Anura left Dave Bitch ass, he knows🙄🙄

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