Chapter 5 "Battle" & "Beacon"

Start from the beginning

That whip slammed down to your right as you sidestepped it.

Looking where the whip hit the ground, you could see the scuff marks.

'S'No joke. If he were against someone not like me, that would've done some damage if they had managed to survive that dagger barrage with at least some aura left.'

He pulled the whip back to himself.

"Well, let's get serious, shall we?"

"If I were to get serious, this would be over too quick. I want to enjoy this a little."

He scoffed before snapping his whip towards you, making you take a step back, and behind you emerged the lug from the bar with a Zweihänder hoisted above his head.

You dodged out of the way before it went, slamming down into the ground, causing the ground to crack a little.

"You caught me off guard in that bar, little man. But not this time, I've learned."

"Hold up. Little man? Just because you're 6'6 and 200 something pounds doesn't mean I'm little."

A whip cracked by your head as you slightly dodged it before the other one went to slash across your chest, making you take a step to the right.

Baldy dashed forward with his sword low and prepping for an upward slash that you jumped back to dodge.

Whip-man had repositioned and nearly caught you in the brief time you had leapt back, but you stopped yourself.

His whip sailed towards you. Normally you'd just backhand it away but not wanting to scuff your clothes and what not you dodge.

(*Sigh* Pride Am I right?)

The whip in his left hand came at you, and so did Baldy come in rushing alongside it.

His Zweihänder held low to his right side.

You moved your head to the right to avoid the initial whip slash but had to dodge Baldy's upward slash and the whip behind you, possibly hitting you.

You dodged the whip first.

Baldy's upward slash was a fake, and he instantly changed his direction and dashed at you again.

To Baldy, he had cut straight through you with a downward slash, but you had sidestepped swiftly to his right.

You grabbed the back of his head and threw him to the ground.

Looking over to Whip-Man, you saw him glaring at you.

You pretty much disappeared before his eyes as he searched around for you, and you'd appear in front of him and punch him in the gut, making him skid back.

'Oh? He has aura? Then does—'

Your thoughts were cut short as you felt someone behind you.

Turning around quickly, you'd jump back, seeing Baldy slam his now lightning infused weapon into the ground, breaking the ground.

Baldy gave off an entirely different vibe now and behind you, Whip-Man did the same.

'We can't lose... Not in one hit...! Not in front of our underlings!'

Whip-Man grabbed his jacket that he wore in a cape-like way and tossed it off.

You could feel from before their murderous intent, but now they were both burning with determination.

You smirked.

"What are your names?"

"Solis Amaru." Whip-Man answered.

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