-Chapter 3 - Disappointment-

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Crys' POV: 

   It didn't take long for Roxanna to find me in the bathroom after I missed break I really just didn't feel like coming out and facing the world as cowardly as that sounds. "Crystiana Allison Morale are you in here?!" I heard my friend's voice and I snorted at her use of my full name "got the middle name wrong...again!" I shouted from my place in one of the bathroom stalls. Roxi easily pushed the bathroom stall open, "not my fault your middle name's weird. Alessia what kind of name is that?" she huffed. "The same type of name that Lyla Morale invented. Such as Victoria Addison and Crystiana." I huffed before stepping out of the bathroom with an impatient Roxi. "You do know you missed break, right? It's okay though because all the food here tastes like shit. That guy that we saw at your locker was looking for you the whole break." she snickered. "He's pathetic." I answered walking out of the restroom with Roxanna behind me.

"Speaking of which apparently everyone with an Element has P.E. after lunch so good luck." she finished. "In case you haven't noticed it's not lunch time yet or even close to it, did you skip?" I asked and Roxi sent me a sly smile that made me wish I hadn't asked. "I think his name was Braeden or something... his lips were so warm and oh god his body-" "OKAY thank you Tempest!" I shouted desperately trying to drown out her words. "I swear I'm best friends with a whore." I muttered to which Roxi sent me a glare. "I'm not a whore!" she protested and I just shook my head. "If I'm still a virgin I'm not a whore." she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I just gagged at her response.

'Roxanna Griffin please report to the office' a voice over the loud speaker said and I shot Roxi a smirk before walking to my next class "Like hell your a virgin!" I shouted making sure to hurry out of her view before she had a chance to strike me with lightning or any other type of natural disaster. I heard her shout something vulgar back but I pretended I couldn't hear her. This folks is what friendship looks like. I ended up smashing into another girl who I shot a death glare at. "Would you mind where your going so I don't break my fucking nose?!" I complained wincing when I gently pressed a couple fingers to my nose. "Sorry! Are you okay?" the girl asked and I muttered something about how much of an incompetent freak she was. I looked at her in annoyance "yes thankfully I'm alive." I muttered with sarcasm, the girl either didn't hear my tone or didn't care and nodded "I'm Ella it's nice to meet you..." if she was trying to ask for my name I would ignore her this wasn't a meet-and-greet in the halls. "I'm going to be late for my next class so I'll see you hopefully never!" I chirped before brushing past her and walking into my French classroom.

French was a boring language. It was the equivalent of Atlantian if you were never going to visit France and being the broke-ass teen I was I was more likely to understand the gibberish that people in the DC shows and movies talked in underwater. The french teacher was a ridiculous woman with an ugly pixie cut that was way to short and a too short dress that only reached her knees. Barely. She had a long name that was hard to remember and insisted on being called 'Madame' instead of 'Ms.' because she was a single 60 year old woman with no hopes of finding love and Madame sounded better than Ms. "Crsytanna your late!" Madame whats-her-face said with a disapproving frown. Also she never could get my name right. It was only the first day of school and she had managed to call me 'Cristan' 'Crissy' and 'Crystanna' which weren't even close to my name. "It's Crys. and I'm actually not late I got here a second before the bell rung" I shrugged indifferent walking to the back of the classroom.

The teacher looked like she wanted to say something but instead just started animatedly explaining to the rest of the class how important the passe compose was and how often french people used it even though it was overly complicated. By the time she was teaching us how to change the verb endings from things like Je veux to J'ai veux I was already bored. I tried to grab my phone but the teacher made a noise that sounded like a dying horse and I had to remind myself that it was her clearing her throat hinting she noticed my not-so-subtle gesture. I groaned and shoved my phone violently in my pocket. Looking up to the french teacher with an exasperated glare.

VenomOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara