-Chapter 1 - Lost-

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Crys' POV: 

17 years later...

        Some people say that your lost when you can't find love. Others say your lost when you can't find your way back home. I think your lost when you have no idea what to live for and the only thing stopping you from ending your life is your love for yourself. If your lost you don't have a home in the first place, and if your lost you don't know the definition of love...Like me. "Crys!" I was awoken from my dreams by the loud voice of my older sister, Tori. "What?!" I yelled back, "Don't use that tone with me! Moving remember?" she shouted up the stairs causing me to groan. I never wanted to go back to Florencia ever since my sister Marilyn died there and my mother made it clear she didn't want me along with my father whom I've never met.

"Come on Crys! Let's go!!" Victorious chanted, her excitement never ceased to amaze me. When I asked her why she was so excited to move back to Florencia she would answer with something along the lines of 'it's where my mother and father met'. Although I guess no one told her Ethan Sterling was the reason my older sister now has trouble functioning her left arm. "I'm coming your too loud, Vic!" I hissed pushing my short blonde hair into my pillow. "Mom's gonna come up here and get you out of bed if you don't get up noww!" Victorious sang with a smug smile on her face as she brushed her dirty blonde hair out of her face. "I'm going to put my hair up you better be up when I get back!" she chirped before walking to the bathroom we shared.

"Tori your daughter is annoying me to death." I hissed when I made my way down stairs. Tori only chuckled at my response "and you weren't so grouchy all the time some things never change!" she said with a laugh as she prepared her coffee. "Can you do anything without your powers?" I asked as the cream flew from the cabinet and into her cup. "Nope! Why would I you know my arm doesn't work very well!" she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Ethan we gotta get going if we want to meet Abby and Ty!" she shouted up the stairs at her husband. "Can he not come with us?" I asked and Tori started to laugh again "I know you don't like him but he is MY husband and this is HIS house so I don't see why not." she said looking at me with a 'duh' look on her face. "Tors, Aunt Abby and Uncle Ty are outside." I said peering through the door. "Let them in please" she said batting her eyelashes and I groaned but obliged.

"Tori!" Aunt Abby shrieked rushing over to her friend and Uncle Ty followed suit enveloping Tori in a huge hug. "Where's Roxi and Riot? We gotta get going Ethan's upstairs packing." Tori said while Aunt Abby and Uncle Ty talked about traffic and such. "We've got everything in the car the two of them are just sitting on their phones I think." Uncle Ty answered. It didn't take long for Hurricane 1 and Hurricane 2 to come rushing into the house although I could tell Roxi looked extremely happy about something. "Daddy!" she shrieked and rushed over to her father with a smile on her face, Riot rolled his eyes but followed his twin sister. "I got my Element!!" Roxi squealed pushing her black hair back against her back. "Really?! What did you get!" Aunt Abby squealed pulling Roxi to her chest and hugging her tight. "Ugh mom!!" Roxi hissed in protest, "Well what'd you get Tempest?" Uncle Ty asked her with a smile.

"I'm a Storm!!!" Roxi's grin got impossibly larger as Ty and Abigail started shrieking and pulling their daughter into a hug. "Roxanna Lucifer Griffin congratulations!" Victorious shrieked riding the railing of the stairs and enveloping her friend in a huge hug. "Victorious Marilyn Katherine Sterling! What did I say about sliding down the railings?" Tori said with a frown causing Victorious to roll her eyes at her mother. A few minutes later Ethan came down stairs carrying his and Tori's suitcases. "Crys did you grab all your stuff? We're leaving soon." He said staring directly at me, "Oh no I didn't even when you gave us four weeks notice I left all my stuff upstairs." I said sarcasm evident in my voice. "Crys" Tori warned but I ignored her. Ethan narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything else good I thought to myself, who needs his approval anyway?

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