Shattered began to see white lights dance across his vision, and he focused all his magic on healing the now unconscious Dream. Once the lights had fully faded from Shattered's vision, he looked over to see that Horror was attempting to break Error's entrapment.

Shattered glared menacingly, then teleported behind Horror. The skeletons let out screams of surprise as Horror turned, swinging his axe at Shattered. Shattered dodged, then grabbed Horror's upper axe handle, halting his attack. Shattered glared at Horror, a look of pure death penetrating Horror's very soul. Horror attempted to stare determinedly back at him, but he faltered at the strength of his opponent.

Shattered growled and tightened his grip, causing the axe's handle to snap. The blade of the weapon fell to the ground noisily, and the skeletons stared in fear. "Did you really think..." As Shattered spoke, he stepped forward, causing Horror to stumble backwards. "That you had DEFEATED me?" As Shattered spoke, his voice fluctuated menacingly. Horror summoned bones from the ground.

But Shattered didn't dodge. He allowed the bones to hit him, causing Dream to shake and tremble, no doubt on the edge of having a seizure. Horror's eyes widened fearfully, and he summoned more bones, sending them forth to impale Shattered. The bones would hit, then disappear. Yet Shattered kept walking forward.

As Shattered walked, he allowed the bones to keep hitting him. He focused his magic on keeping Dream alive. Horror tripped as he attempted to flee and the attacks ceased. Shattered used blue magic to propel Horror towards him. He held Horror inches away from his face. 

Horror wore a look of terror and disgust on his face. Shattered held one of hate. "What... what are ya?"

Shattered let out a cold howl of laughter before slamming Horror to the ballroom floor. "Satan himself." Shattered proclaimed triumphantly. Horror's face contorted into one of terror, then realization, then understanding. Shattered halted at the look upon Horror's face. 

Horror teleported before Shattered, a new axe in his right hand, and hissed, "Th' nightmares come pouring out of hell when th' devil is desperate." 

Shattered's eyes widened in shock as he took a step backwards. Horror's smirk widened, and he raised his axe to strike. Shattered reached his tentacles outwards, and he took Horror by the arms, legs and removed the axe from his grip. 

Shattered then used his magic to teleport them and to create a cloud of mist. "I had hoped to save this for later, but you know how things are."

The smoke began to thin and Horror was placed on the ground. Horror summoned another axe, this one larger than the rest, in his favorite design. Horror looked around anxiously, ready to attack. Horror smirked when he saw Shattered standing before him. He could barely see him due to the mist. Horror raised his axe, then teleported to Shattered. As he swung the axe, he was able to see the figure before him up close.

The figure wasn't Shattered.

As Horror swung, he realized too late that he was swinging for Error. Time seemed to slow at that moment. Horror saw the look of pure terror on his best friend's face. After all that they had been through together, as objects, as skeletons.

Was this really how it ended?


How could he allow himself to be so easily tricked?!

As the axe hit Error, for the first time in Horror's life, the feeling of beheading someone wasn't filled with pleasure. As the sick sound of Error's head being sliced off sounded through the room, Horror's stomach and heart twisted. 

Error's head fell to the ground and turned to stone. And just like that, he was dead and the mist was gone.

Horror stood, shaking, axe still in his hands. The skeletons had witnessed the scene and lay slack in their magical restrictions. 

Shattered stood a few feet away, smiling broadly. "Bravissimo.

At this word, Horror roared, then teleported to Shattered's side and began to swing madly at him with his axe while shooting magical attacks at him simultaneously.

Shattered casually summoned a shield and blocked his attacks. After a minute or two of Horror's outburst, Shattered grew annoyed. Shattered used his magic to throw Horror back against the wall with the other entrapped skeletons. Shattered began to walk towards Horror, who struggled with and screamed at his bonds. "Now, now, don't be a poor sport! That was wonderful!"

Horror glared fiercely at Shattered, unadulterated hatred dripped from his icy gaze, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Horror screamed, his echoes of agony resounding throughout the large room. 

Shattered let out a soft 'tsk' and smiled sweetly at Horror. "You know what? That's private. But I assure you, it's for the greater good."

Horror writhed in his restraints as he continued to scream. Shattered sighed, then began to walk to the exit. Before he exited, he stopped before Blue and he glanced back at Horror, who was now hanging limply, sobbing. "Those who don't go mad every now and then, go mad permanently.

Blue spat at Shattered and hissed, "You're Sick." 

Shattered smiled widely and said as he exited,

"Oh~ Believe me, I know."


Author's Note


                                                                                                                           - Adelle

Editor's note


ThIs WaS eVeN sAdDeR-

I went from reading a chapter of Belle of the Night to editing this, and the tone change of the last book to this one is DRASTIC

                                                                                                                           ~ Valery

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