Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Bulgaria suddenly appeared in the centre of the room, but his eyes were weird. They were flickering in and out of view, almost like they were teleporting. And with that thought, SWE came to the realisation that he was being mind controlled.

Bulgaria immediately rushed towards SWE, sword in his hand. SWE tried to summon a wall of ice to block him off, but he didn't have enough power to do the task, and could only watch as the sword hurtled straight for him.

Blood poured out of his chest for the second time in his life. They rushed into his waiting fingers and spilt all over the floor. It felt warm to the touch, and the only pain he could feel was a dull throbbing that was in sync with his heartbeat. Every time he breathed, more blood shot out.

The Swedish Empire stumbled forward, then backwards, then fell to the ground. The moment he realised he was going to die, he heard a sickening CRACK!

The ceiling was falling.

The Red Ensign Canada woke up with a throbbing headache. The last thing he remembered was shielding himself with his wings as the blast threw him across the room.

All he could see now was darkness, and for a second, he feared he was blind in both eyes now. But his eye adjusted and he could see a figure sitting beside him in the dark.

"You're awake!" The country cried. It was Prussia. "If I hadn't checked for a pulse, I would have thought you were dead. Don't worry, you were only out for a few minutes."

"Where is everyone else?" REC rasped, his throat feeling like it had been cut by a thousand knives. Or inhaled a thousand specks of dust. Either one.

"No idea. I've been trying to get out from under all of this while also trying not to bury us under ten thousand tonnes of rock."

"Oh. Ok. Any way I can help?"

"Just try to sit still and move the rock I have dug out to a corner." Prussia offered.

REC was a bit disappointed about being brushed aside, but he supposed he wasn't really useful in this situation. His grandmother had said that he was only ever useful to kill. She was probably right.

He just really hoped the Portuguese Empire was okay. The coffee loving country had been perfectly okay with REC's powers. He didn't try to make him hurt other countries in war. He wasn't scared of REC accidently touching him. PE was more of a friend then REC thought he deserved.

And he might already be dead.

RE spotted someone in the distance. Someone he hadn't seen in a long time. He had a billowing red cloak, and shiny gold armour that reflected the fires dotting the landscape. Even if RE had never seen him before, he would have known that this country was powerful just from the way he stood.

"Father! What is the meaning of all this?!" The Holy Roman Empire cried, causing the Roman Empire to turn towards them. HRE left RE to stand on one foot as he walked towards his father.

"HRE! What a pleasant surprise! I certainly hope you plan on joining me and FE, instead of hanging out with these freaks." ROE gestured to RE and the rubble underneath them.

"No! You're the freak here, the monster! I will not help you kill everyone here just for you to lead in the end. " HRE glowered at ROE.

"That's fine." ROE said, his voice turning to a snarl. "I don't need you. I simply thought it'd be a waste to kill you."

Right after he said that, RE felt himself getting mind controlled. Guess I better trust Prussia on this. He thought, and plunged into the depths of his mind.

The sky was a black that melted into a vibrant gold at the horizon. The floor was a marble white, and thick gold trees and roots dotted the landscape. Some of the branches seemed rotten, and pieces were cracking off and floating into the air. Almost as if they were... dying.

RE turned his attention from the landscape to his enemy in front of him; ROE. He had chains on his arms, instead of the ropes he'd hoped for. That was fine. He could just imagine a key and lock to the chains and unlock them.

But as he struggled out of the last of the chains, ROE's eyes opened. RE summoned a branch that knocked the red country off of his feet.

ROE retaliated by throwing gold daggers back at him. RE sent up a wave of roots that blocked most of them, but a few lodged inside his leg. He stumbled backwards, landing on his bad leg, but surprisingly, the injury didn't exist in this form.

Perhaps it existed in other places though, for when RE tried to send another branch at ROE's heart, it was rotten in some places, and didn't do much damage. That was fine. RE would kill him in other ways.

As RE prepared his sword to go charging at ROE, he was launched into the air by a large pillar.

And he was falling.

What happens when you die in your mind? RE asked himself as the ground came closer.

Then he found out as he landed on a spike that went right through his heart. 

(1537 Words)

Have a wonderful time waiting for the next chapter! The next few are some of my favorites ^^

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