Chapter 12: Joker

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Chapter 12: Joker

"She has no right to be here! She's not blood! I am!" I hear in the next room. Bruce and his son Damian are talking about Bruce adopting me. Damian doesn't like the idea at all, but to tell the truth, he just doesn't like me. "Damian, her family was just killed lest than three hours ago. She is all alone; beside wouldn't you like a sister?" Bruce asks. I sigh and sit on the bed; well I guess Bruce says this would be my room so I guess this would be my bed.

"No! I don't want a sister! You barely treat me like a son Bruce, she's been here for three hours and you already told her who you are! Told her you are the batman! It took me four years to find out! Four fucken years Bruce!" I hear Damian yell which makes me flinch. "Damian Al Ghul Wayne! You lower your voice. She's going to hear you." Bruce yells. "Good! I want her to hear, in fact." I hear footsteps coming up to the door. I stand once I hear the door open. Damian walks in, his jet black hair slick back.

"You have no right being here. No right! I am the real son of Batman, you're just a girl whose older sister went crazy and killed her family!" He walks up to me and I take some steps back till I feel myself fall on the bed. "You should have died with them! No one wants you here!" He yells as he was about to jump on the bed to attack me. I scream before I feel someone grab my arm and pull me off the bed right as Damian was about to land on me.

I feel someone wrap their arm around me holding me close. "Enough Damian." I hear. I look up to see Robin, still wearing his suit. "Robin..." I say as I look at him. I see some blonde coming from behind his black hair; I didn't know he was wearing a wig, maybe he doesn't want people to know who he really was. He looks at me and smiles, "It's okay Elsa, I have you." He says. I smiles till I hear laughing. "Damn Robin, if you wanted to little bitch all you had to do was ask. Maybe she can stay with you." He hisses.

I can tell Robin is glaring even with the mask on. He pushes me to the side, "Stay there." He says without looking at me. His just glaring at Damian. "You are not being very nice to your father's guest Damian." He says and walks to him. "She's not a guest, she's a pest. Someone who shouldn't be alive, yet alone living in my house." "This isn't your house Damian! You were kicked out after what happened at the bank two years ago!"

I thought back of what happened two years ago, I guess the bank was being robbed and Robin or as I guess now would be Damian, he had the guy cornered and just let him go. The bank almost blamed Batman for it. "That was a miss understand Robin." Damian said putting quotation marks around 'Robin'. "You let two millions dollar walk right by you. From what I heard, you took about half of that with you." Robin said with so much anger in his voice.

"You're almost as worse than him Damian!" Robin says. I see Damian raise an eyebrow, "Like who Robin, say it. Who am I worse then?" Damian starts to walk to me and Robin, Robin pushes me behind his back keeping me away from Damian. "Then the Joker!" He yells and I hear thunder hit outside lighting following right behind it. Before Damian could say anything, the lights went out leaving the room is pitch black. "Robin!" I yell as someone grabs me by the throat.

"You know what Elsa, his right, I am almost as worse than the Joker!" I hear someone whisper in my ear. Lighting hit the sky and I see Damian holding me by the throat, his dark green eyes almost red. "When the time comes, I will have my revenge on you for taking my life!" He yells tighten his grip on my throat. I feel the world around me getting dizzy, my eyes starting to close then I feel him let go of my neck and I feel the air go back into my lungs.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!" I hear someone yells as I fall on the ground. Lighting strakes again and I see Robin and Damian fighting. "Robin!" I yell trying to get up and I hear someone hit the ground. Light hits the room and I see Damian on the ground and Robin having his foot on his throat. I start to crawl to him, "Robin, stop. Please." I ask as I look at him. He looks down at me and let's goes of Damian and grabs my hand and helps me up just to hold me.

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