Chapter 4: Lunch with Bruce/Poison Ivy A.K.A. Pamela Lillian Isley

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Chapter 4: Lunch with Bruce/Poison Ivy A.K.A Pamela Lillian Isley

As I start to walk into Bruce and I's normal restaurant, I start to get more upset with him, how could he do this to me? Did he not believe I could get this job or the title by myself? I stop once I saw him at our spot. I see him sat as I glare at him, but he doesn't do anything which I had a feeling he wouldn't so I start to walk to him. "Hello sweetheart." I hear as he gives me hug. "How could you do this to me?" I ask once he backs away from me. I hear him sigh, "Please don't make a scene Elsa, I raised you better than that."

We both sit as the waiter comes and takes our drink orders. "Green tea please." I say as he writes down our drink orders and leaves. I turn back to Bruce. "Yes you raised me wonderful for the last three years. But Bruce, I could have gotten the title alone, without you." I say as our drinks arrived, I order my lunch and wait for Bruce to talk to me. I watch as he pours sugar into his coffee and starts to stair it. He takes a drink and sits it down and looks at me. I start to tap my foot and wait for him to answer, "Well?" I ask getting impatience.

"I do believe in you Elsa. I always have." He finally answers. "Then why did you tell Mrs. Ross about you as my father? Did you get her to give me your old villains?" I ask with more anger then I wanted. "I told her to give you a push, because I knew you'd be where you are in a week or two, so why not make it sooner? And I didn't ask her to give her my old villains; all I ask was not to give you the patient 201." I was about to talk when I saw our waiter put our food in front of us. "We'll finish talking after lunch okay?" He asks and I nod knowing I wasn't going to win this fight.

I ate slowly, enjoying every bite I had. I had so many questions going through my brain, questions I knew Bruce would answer. I put my napkin down and cross my hands on my lap, waiting for him to finish. I watch as he wipes his mouth and puts his napkin down. "Okay, ask away Elsa." "Okay, who is patient 201 and why don't you want me to deal with him?" I ask. He looks at me, without blinking, trying to figure out how to answer this question.

"Elsa, patient 201 is mental dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt." He answers as the bill comes to us; I know I don't have much time left. "You gave me Harley Quinn, and other more dangerous patient, why is he more dangerous than them?" I ask. I see a smile go on his face, "That's the first time you called her by that name." He says looking up at me. "Maybe I finally realized she's not my sister anymore." I whisper knowing he heard me. I hear him sigh as he stands, "Elsa, I trust you with her, but not with patient 201. Please stay away from him."

I stand and look at him, "And if I don't?" I ask. "Then I can't stop you, I can only warn you." I walk to him and give him another hug, "I thank you for worrying about me and for the warning. But, I feel like I have to do this. I mean, his only nineteen." I say. "You just turned nineteen Elsa." "And I am not the head therapist! I think I can handle this!" I yell. I see him glare at me, "You want to deal with him this badly huh?" I nod slowly, "I'm drawn to it Bruce, something is pulling to this patient and I have to help him." He finally sighs and kisses me on the forehead, "Just... Be careful, please." I do a soft smile, "I will Bruce, thank you."

We start to walk to our cars, before I step into my car, I look at Bruce, I know he was worried about me but he shouldn't be anymore. I'm old enough to take care of myself, I'm not that scared sixteen year old anymore he once found. He looks at me and smiles before he mouths, love you. I mouth it back to him before I get back into my car and go back to work.


I start to walk to my next patient, Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley also known as Poison Ivy. Bruce use to tell me stories about her, she was Harley's best friend. I took a deep breath as I reach her door, it was covered in vines. I couldn't even knock on the door it was almost buried. I just open the door and look to see plants everywhere. "Welcome to my room." I hear someone say. I look to see Dr. Isley watering some flowers.

"Beautiful aren't they?" She asks, not looking at me. I look at the plant she is watering, it was pure white almost see through. "It's a skeleton flower, very rare you can only find it in Hawaii." She says finally looking at me. "None poisons sadly but what's a girl to do in a dungeon?" She had long red hair almost going down to her butt with dark green eyes, they were almost mesmerizing. I watch as she does a laugh as she walks over to me, "This happens a lot you know." She says.

"What?" I ask as I sit down. "People getting attractive to me, because of my beauty. But you... You are quite beautiful yourself, I bet a lot of boys fall for you." I know what she is doing, she's using her charms but it won't work on me, only men. "Are you done trying to win me over Dr. Isley?" I ask calmly. I hear her do a short laugh, "Well well well, you know my tricks, I'm impressed." She sits down and crosses her legs. "So Doctor?" "Wayne, Elsa Wayne." I say and take out my notebook. "Wayne? As in Bruce's Wayne's niece?" I shake my head, "No but we're not here to talk about me Dr. Isley, we're here to talk about you."

I watch as she moves her fingers through her hair, "Not much to tell really, my ex professor and lover tried to kill me after thinking I would implicate him as a theft so he tried to poison me with some herbs but I survived, went 'mad' and became who I am now." She says. "What who are you now Dr. Isley?" I ask. She uncrosses her legs and looks at me, "Poison Ivy." She says with a smile. I do a smirk back and saw something in my notes that got my attention, "You fell in love in with Batman?" I ask looking at her.

I see some red go on her face, "Fell, I believe I'm still in love with him Doctor, and when I get out of here, I will have him." I feel a shiver go down my spine; he never told me that, I know the only person he truly loved was Selina Kyle or also known as Catwoman. "Why did you fall in love with him?" I ask. "I couldn't control him... His not like any other guy I've meet." I hear her sigh, "Can we not talk about him, it makes me upset and look at my plants." I look around to see the plants start to wilt.

"These flowers live by my emotions, so when I'm upset, they are upset with me." She says. "That's amazing..." I say as I write that down in my notebook. "Okay Dr. Isley, what is your relationship with Harley Quinn?" I ask. "Harley? She's my best friend; I watched over her after the Joker died, she's almost as mad as he is. You know, a lot of people didn't think they were really in love, they thought he was faking it but he did love her you know. She would do anything for him.

"She almost died for him. But Robin hit him; she just has a mark now." I gave her a weird look, a mark? I thought but I guess I could ask Harley that next. "You just tried to help her?" I ask. She nods, "Yes, but why don't you just ask her about the Joker?" I nod, "Maybe I will." She smiles as I start to stand, "I think that's all for today." I say and start to walk out. "You know." I stop and look at her. I never notice a vine wrapped around her arm as she moves it up to her hair again.

"She did talk about a sister, someone she left behind." She says and smiles at me. "A sister?" She nods, "She doesn't regret killing her parents or anyone else for the Joker, but she did regret leaving her sister. She says she wishes she could have taken her with, and makes her see how she sees." I let go of the door handle and walk up to her and put my hands on the table. "I would never see how she sees! I would never kill anyone! I am nothing like her!" I yell. I see Pamela's smile get bigger. "So you are her, you're Elsa Quinn huh?"

I feel my eyes widen as I step back, "Oh my God... You knew..." I say which makes her nod, "Oh yeah Elsa, I knew, I know who you are, how Bruce Wayne adopted you, raised you for the last three years." I can't think she almost knew everything... "So Elsa, are you going to see your sister? Tell her how much better you are?" I shake my head, "No, I'm going to do my job." I say as I open the door and walk out.

Hey guys!! So there is Poison Ivy, my second favorite villains! I really hope you guys like this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it and the next chapter will be even more fun to write I think! Okay so I have two stories for you guys to check out! First one is The Blossoming of a Freak by @jelsa-and-books-rock and the second book is We've Changed (Jelsa) by bluegraykiss So go check them out because they are amazing!!! So leave me some comments or some votes guys, tell me what you think!! Love you guys! Sorry for my grammar and spelling!!

~Kitty Kat

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