Viva la Vida

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 Just be normal.

Just be normal.





Ben had spent the entire night repeating this mantra to himself. Now, in the light of early morning, his silent chant continued. Every part of him wanted to just show up at her apartment to see if she was there, or drive by Dustin's house, to see if she was there. That thought terrified him in ways he didn't dare articulate to himself.

It was a ridiculous thought, after all. He'd almost laughed out loud when Genevieve even suggested it. But after a long night of ruminating as he anxiously awaited a call or text that didn't come, the idea had crawled under his skin and seemed determined to slither its way up to his brain and seize control.

No. Don't think it.

Just be normal.

Just be normal.

Nothing good would come of obsessively trying to track her down like some sort of deranged stalker. She would just think he was a psycho. He had already called and texted her as many times as he could while still seeming reasonable. All there was left to do was wait.

He got out of bed and made coffee. He'd never had coffee without her before; he didn't particularly want to now. But the smell made her feel closer, and he couldn't help feeling like somehow, the ritual might summon her there. It was an absurd, irrational notion, he chided himself as he took the first bitter sip.

And then there was a knock on the door.

He opened it to find Millie on the other side, with damp hair and a jacket that was much too large for her. It looked familiar. Was it Dustin's?

"You look like hell," she said with a smile.

Ben grabbed her into a hug that pulled her straight off the ground. "I was worried about you! I didn't know what happened, but I overheard Dustin say you almost died, and that he was taking you to a doctor, and then you were gone."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to call, but I think I left my phone at the party. But, um, yeah. I did get embarrassingly close to dying."

He held on tight, his chin buried snugly in the crook of her neck like a perfectly fitted puzzle piece. Her wet hair against his face didn't bother him in the least. The scent of her shampoo was stronger than he'd ever smelled before, and he hoped the sweet aroma of lemon drops would rub off onto his own skin and follow him around all day. "What happened?"

"It was stupid. I started choking. And instead of trying to get help, I just... left the room. I don't even know why. But Dustin saw me leave. He saved my life."

"I knew he had to be good for something. Fuck, Millie, I'm so glad you're okay. I don't even know what I'd do—I can't even think about it."

"Well, luckily, you don't have to. Can I come in? I smell coffee."

"Shit—of course, yes." He finally put her down, and she followed him into the kitchen. He poured her a cup of coffee, and sat next to her at the table, their chairs turned toward one another.

"So... how does it feel to owe a life debt to Dustin?" he asked, carefully watching her expression for her reaction.

"Not that bad, actually," Millie replied. There was nothing telling in her face as she spoke. "I ended up spending a lot of time with him last night and he really surprised me."

"Oh?" Ben asked, taking a carefully timed sip of coffee.

"Yeah. I was pretty stressed after the doctor and everything, so we went back to his place to smoke a bowl, and... You were right, Ben, he's a really smart guy. I understand now why you've been friends with him so long."

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