Missed Somethings

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 Ben's skull was pounding as he slowly opened his eyes. What time was it? What day was it? Had he been drinking? Yes, obviously he had been drinking. A lot, apparently—he already knew this hangover was far worse than the one Millie had nursed him through. The process of sitting up was excruciating; standing was even worse. Why was he naked? He never slept in the nude. He pulled on some pajama pants and stumbled out toward the kitchen to find some water.

"God damn, Ben, you look like absolute shit," an unexpected voice called from across the room. The sudden noise made him grab his head with an agonized wince. Looking up, he was extremely confused to see Tess in his living room, lounging on the couch like she owned the place.

"Tess? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"What, do you think you're the only one here who can have guests?" she replied. "Yours left a little while ago, by the way. What an absolute peach. She said to tell you thanks for the good time." Tess rolled her eyes, visibly disgusted.

"Wait, you're here for—my what—who?" Ben leaned a hand against the wall to steady himself and closed his eyes. After a moment of painful concentration, his memories of the preceding day suddenly began flooding back all at once. His eyes shot open. "FUCK, it's Wednesday!"

His phone. Where the fuck was his phone? He realized with horror that he had forgotten it at home when he had left the apartment yesterday morning. He had been out of communication with Millie for over twenty-four hours and he had completely stood her up. He rushed to the kitchen where he found his phone on the counter, the battery completely dead.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Ben scrambled to connect it to the charger, a task made difficult by his shaking hands. When the charging light lit up, he took a moment to chug a glass of water. He checked his phone. One percent battery. "Fuck."

He raced back to his room, spent several minutes vomiting into his toilet, then showered as quickly as he physically could. As he toweled off, he noticed a post-it note stuck to the mirror, and leaned closer to read it.

Had fun! Xoxo

PS your friend stopped by

She said not to wake you

See you soon?

Ben's heart sank. Millie had been looking for him. Millie had seen her here. He threw on some clothes and ran back to check his battery. Fifteen percent. Good enough. He pressed the power button; the seconds it took to boot up were some of the most tortured of his life.

All at once, his phone began to continuously ping with a flood of missed notifications, dozens all at once. Eighteen missed calls. More than twenty missed texts. He opened them and began to scroll with growing horror.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" he shouted, slamming his fist down on the counter.

"What the hell is going on?" Tess demanded, bursting into the kitchen. When he failed to produce any words more eloquent than 'fuck,' she took his phone and scrolled through the messages herself. Her eyes widened, and she looked at Ben. "Fuck," she whispered.

He grabbed his phone back and dialed Millie's number. "Please answer, please, pleasepleaseplease..."


He began to text her.



I am so fucking sorry I stood you up it was an accident I drank way too much last night I didn't have my phone I am so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so stupid please forgive me Millie I fucked up so bad I'm sorry

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