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Millie was very, very happy, and somewhat confused as to why.

Morning time lucidity was never something she arrived at quickly. For several long, groggy minutes, she laid in a half-conscious haze, enjoying her inexplicable bliss without question. Awareness gradually returned, and it came to her attention that she was still fully dressed, and wearing a jacket that was far too large for her—


Last night's memories came to her in a giddy rush, and Millie sat up, wide awake. She grabbed her phone, grateful for an excuse to text him.

Oops, I stole your coat.

Maybe, somewhere in the back of her mind, that had been just a teeny tiny bit intentional.

She hopped out of bed and examined her reflection in the full length mirror mounted to her closet door. The jacket was nearly long enough to be a dress on her. Holding up her hands, she delighted in the way the sleeves completely covered and hung down over them, making her feel ever so dainty. Just as she gave into a girlish impulse to do a twirl in front of the mirror, her phone chimed, and she hurried to read his reply.

Of course. I should have known better than to trust a lizard person.

Laughing out loud, she flopped down on the edge of her bed, chewing her lip as she tried to come up with a witty retort. Sifting through her memories of last night's banter, her glee was briefly deflated when she remembered the part of the conversation that unambiguously established his lack of romantic attraction to her, but... even so, just the acquisition of his friendship felt like the best thing that had ever happened to her.

RUDE, she typed back. I WAS going to offer to bring it back to you, but now I'm keeping it as a hostage.

His reply was immediate: What are you asking for ransom??

Hmmm... what have you got? she responded.

This time, a minute passed before Ben sent a response. She imagined his face, his brow furrowed expressively as he tried to think of something clever to write. His answer was short: Body heat.

The words made Millie blush. A pleasant shiver passed through her core as she remembered the moment on their walk when he had lifted her up like she weighed nothing and squeezed the breath right out of her. How thoroughly he had enfolded her in his body heat then; a wonderful, sensuous shock against the chill of night. Closing her eyes, she could still feel his heartbeat, his neck against her cheek, his breath warming her ear—

Nope! Nope, nope, nope. She couldn't let herself think of him that way. Coming from anyone else, it would have been impossible to interpret his answer as anything but flirtation, but with Ben, she knew better. It was just a bit of silly banter, nothing more.

She texted back: Fuck. You know my only weakness!

Your ONLY weakness? Really, Milliam? I can name at least five others off the top of my head.

No way. Prove it.

The answers came on by one, in a steady stream of continuous messages.

Flaky women

Judgy waitresses

THC edibles

My gargantuan nose (weirdo)

Chocolate ice cream

Homeless books


Dead diabetics


Mario Kart in general actually (sorry not sorry)

Vehicular hygiene

Coffee... probably should have started with that one


The average annual temperature of the state you inexplicably chose to live in

Your ankles

Scary movies

A normal human bedtime


"You," Millie breathed, feeling her stomach do a flip. Then she clenched her jaw, swallowed down the butterflies, and swore to herself that that was the very last time she was going to let herself feel anything like infatuation toward him. Wow, she typed. I feel ALARMINGLY seen.

Better get used to it if we're gonna be BFFs.

Her phone began to ring, and her heart leapt. She answered it instantly without even looking, with an inappropriately exuberant exclamation of, "Yay! A phone call!" 

"Wow, someone's chipper this morning," came the disappointing sound of Genevieve's voice. 

Millie's face fell. "Uh-huh, I... slept really well," she replied, trying her hardest to maintain the cheer in her voice.

"That's wonderful, Kitten. I only wish it could have been next to me." 

"Oh, yeah, um. Sorry it didn't work out." 

"How about tonight, then? I know you'll have work in the morning, but I promise to get you into bed early."

It surprised Millie how badly she wanted to demur. The mere possibility that Ben might have some free time to spend with her made a night with Genevieve sound utterly exhausting. She took a breath and reminded herself that the person she was speaking to now actually wanted to be with her—or at least, sometimes seemed to. It would be foolish to neglect a burgeoning relationship in favor of someone who would never see her as a romantic prospect.

"Tonight is good," she replied half-heartedly.

"Fabulous. Come over around seven?"


"And wear one of those strappy little dresses of yours, won't you, Kitten? I want to show you off. I've already booked a reservation at del Alma."

"I can't wait." Millie let out a silent sigh. "See you at seven."

She looked back down at her phone, briefly scrolling through the morning's text messages one more time before typing out another one.

Wanna get coffee?

An immediate chime. Depends. Will there be donuts involved?

OBVIOUSLY there will be donuts involved.

Sorry, stupid question. I'm in. Before, she could reply, another chime. Want me to pick you up?

She tried to downplay her enthusiasm. Sure. Gimme a few minutes to shower and get dressed.

Chime. You got it, lizard girl. 

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