Disappearing Act

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"Why do you look so anxious, kitten?" Genevieve asked, sliding Millie's cardigan back just enough to massage her shoulders. Her hands were impossibly soft and impossibly skilled. Millie's tensed muscles began to relax almost at once.

"You're finally meeting my friends," Millie replied, closing her eyes and allowing herself a moment to enjoy being touched. "It's a big deal for me. What if you don't like them?"

"Nonsense," Genevieve said, working her fingers carefully up and down her neck. "If you love them, they must be wonderful."

"They are. Well, most of them. Usually."

"There's really no need to worry, darling." Genevieve's lips brushed against Millie's ear; her fingertips kneaded lightly below her collarbone. "We're going to have a lovely time."

"I know. You're right. I'm overthinking," Millie sighed. "Sorry."

"That's alright. You're cute when you're nervous," Genevieve purred into her ear.

Suddenly, Millie felt one of those impossibly soft hands slip under the top of her dress. She let out a startled squeak. "Oh my god, Gen, not here!"

The here in question was the porch of Isaac and Miguel's recently purchased home. They were celebrating the occasion with a dinner party, and against all odds, Genevieve had actually made good on her promise to attend.

"Relax, kitten," Genevieve giggled, and gave her a light pinch before finally letting her go. "It's just us out here."

Face burning bright red, Millie pulled her cardigan tightly around herself and looked back out at the street to be sure no one was arriving behind them. Ben's car was already parked on the street, she noticed; it gave her stomach and unexpected knot. Before she had time to compose herself, Genevieve was already ringing the doorbell.

A few seconds later, the door swung open. Miguel and Isaac were standing together, smiling brightly as they greeted them.

"Welcome to our new home! I'm so glad you could make it!" Miguel said. He looked incredibly sharp in a solid black suit, the top several buttons of his shirt strategically undone. He had recently abandoned his goatee in favor of a permanent five o'clock shadow, and his sleek black hair was even more perfectly coiffed than usual. Isaac was always overdressed for any situation, so it took Millie by surprise to see him wearing only a white buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up, and a red gingham kitchen apron. Other than that, he was as bald, bearded, and freckled as ever.

Millie was too flustered to add much to the small talk as they stood in the foyer and made their introductions. She smiled and nodded as Genevieve shook their hands and expounded glowing praise at the beauty of their new home.

"There are drinks and hors d'oeuvres in the parlor, right this way," Isaac said, and led them down the hall.

"But please feel free to explore as much as you like. Any room that isn't locked is open to guests," Miguel added, clearly eager to show off the house.

Ben was already in the parlor, casually chatting with a small group of new acquaintances near the corner of the room. When he saw Millie enter the room, he instantly and visibly lost interest in the conversation. She looked small and sheepish on Genevieve's arm; he could tell that her smile was nervous and forced. Genevieve poured a glass of wine and pushed it into Millie's hands. Millie didn't seem to want it, but her attempt to turn it down was promptly overruled.

He watched her cast a furtive glance around the room in search of a familiar face, but her gaze stopped short before it reached him. She was staring at the fireplace, or rather, the painting mounted on the wall over the mantel. After a few seconds of intently studying it, her face fell.

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