Chapter 1: The Night Fury

Start from the beginning

The night fury growls slightly. Midnight stares at him for a while, then she looks at me. 'I couldn't agree more girl. Looks like you just lost a lot of gold brother mine.'

Oh Thor... His face is priceless. he looks so raging mad but calm at the same time. It's like he wants to strangle Midnight. Luckily he doesn't and smiles, even though I know it's fake. 'A deal is a deal. Do you have a ship?'

I slowly turn towards Midnight like she has one. Viggo sighs. 'Can't I borrow one of you? You have an entire fleet! I promise I won't put this one on fire.'

Viggo sighs and shakes his head. 'You put five, FIVE, of my ships on fire. Why would I lend you another one? We both know you won't return it.'

'Not my bad, I'm just not amazing as you are, with ships that are. Please... cause I'm your favorite little sister?' I whine. I give him my best puppy dog eyes but he still shakes his head. 'Go with trader Johann or something. I'm sure he can follow you to your camp if you guide the way.'

I think about it. Seems like fun to me. Johann always has good stories.

'Okay. Bye brotha, thanks for the dragon.' I grin while he looks even more annoyed. Oh, what a wonderful world I live in.

'Wait! Who are you and what are you gonna do with him?'

I turn back in surprise. A skinny boy with messy brown hair and one leg looks at me with a worried expression.

'Why I have absolutely no idea who you are and normally my brother tells me not to talk to strangers so in that case, I'll be more than happy to tell you.' Viggo tries to push me away. 'I don't think that's a good idea.'

I ignore him, slide under his arm and re-find my balance on one of the iron bows over the night fury. 'As to answer your question before my brother here rudely interrupted us, I'm gonna take him to my island. As for who I am... I am Thyra Grimborn. Have a wonderful day cage boy!'

With that, I quickly turn around and walk around the corner. One of the hunters is nice enough to help me with pushing the night fury to trader Johann's ship, which was about to leave until Midnight jumped at it, while Viggo walks away to his auction.

I thank the hunter after he pushes the night fury on the ship and turns to a very frightened Johann.

'Relax Johann, he won't hurt you, he's all locked up. And Midnight is really sweet, wouldn't harm a fly. Unless you wake her up, or steal her fish. Yeah, then you can be in trouble... Anyways, can I get a ride to my island? I'll guide you the way but Viggo wouldn't lean me another ship after I put the first five on fire.'

'F-fire miss Grimborn?'

'Yeah, I'm not proud of it. Okay, maybe a little, it was great to watch. Anyways, can you help me out?'

Johann sighs. 'Alright then. But please, can you keep your dragon at a distance?'

I chuckle and slightly push Midnight away. 'Tch, go guide us or something.'

She growls annoyed and I give her an apologetic look. 'Sorry darling, gotta stay here with Johann. Gotta give him something interesting news in return right?'

Midnight looks up for a while and it's almost like she rolls her eyes at my statement but she flies up anyways.

'Okay Johann, follow Midnight!'

'Okay, ahh, this reminds me of an interesting adventure I found myself in last month...

I chuckle and shake my head while I listen to his story. Johann has long stories but they are better than staring at the ocean. Normally I stare at the ocean with Midnight, only she is guiding us. So now I just listen to Johann.

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