Chpt 13: Oola?

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Y/n's pov

Anakin and I were now flying through hyperspace. We were going to free his mother, except he doesn't know that.

When we arrived above Tatooine I noticed a force signature, and it was familiar... no! I'm here for Anakin. "Why are we here?" he huffed "you'll find out soon enough Anakin," I replied.

Once I landed the ship Anakin was clearly confused. We were at his home town, although it was more a disguised slave camp. 

We entered Watto's workshop and he immediately noticed Anakin. "Have you brought me a new slave Sir?" he laughed "I am here to buy a slave," I replied, and I sensed fury from Anakin, "a name?" Watto asked "actually yes. I believe her name is Shmi Skywalker," I said and Anakin was more shocked than anything "it's gonna cost you," he replied "how much?" I asked "200,000 credits," was his response. I put that exact amount on the table, "now where is she?" I asked "come with me," he grumbled.

I knocked on a door and when it opened I knew Anakin was happy. "Who are you?" she asked "my name is not of importance," I replied and showed her Anakin, they immediately embraced one another. I smiled at the scene, "you bought her freedom, didn't you?" Anakin asked looking at me and I nodded. He then hugged me. I sensed them again, I looked into it and sensed... Oola? "If you get your things we can bring you to our ship," Shmi nodded and the two went to do that.

Once we had gotten on the ship I flew to where I sensed Oola. I saw it was Jabba's palace. "Why are we here?" Shmi asked, she was clearly frightened, "getting an old friend of mine," I replied and stood up "Anakin, come," I ordered and he followed me.

When we got inside two guards approached us. "I wish to speak with Jabba," I said and they let us past.

I was now in the middle of the room with Anakin by my side. "What is your reasoning for being here?" he asked in Huttese, I noticed Oola and she was shocked to see me, "I wish to buy a slave from you," I replied in the same language and he laughed "and who would you like to buy?" "Oola," "she's expensive," he said. I showed him three hundred thousand credits, "give her to me now and I give you the money, if not..." I showed my lightsabers on my belt and he got the idea. He dragged over and I snapped the chain with the force before handing Jabba the credits. 

When we got outside Oola immediately hugged me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. "I missed you," I whispered "I missed you too," she replied "how's Aayla?" "she's well, wish you were still at the temple though," I said. "Who are you?" Anakin asked "hi! I'm Oola, I was a jedi many years ago," she replied "you don't look like a jedi," he argued "she wasn't chosen as a padawan, she went home to Ryloth and I assume she was put into slavery," I said and Oola nodded "Oola, meet Anakin. My apprentice," I introduced. 

Time skip

I had given Shmi and Oola an apartment on the surface, so they're safe and we can visit them, and Anakin and I were called to the council chamber.

We entered and both had small smiles. "Why did you go to Tatooine?" Master Windu asked "to free Anakin's mother, and we ended up freeing Oola as well," I replied "the twi'lek you were friends with?" he asked and I nodded "you should have known it wouldn't be long before she was in slavery," I growled "you shouldn't have done what you did," he said and I was shocked "what? freeing two slaves?" I asked "the jedi are under jurisdiction of the senate, we do what they say, and we need their permission first," he stated "I'm not going to apologise, I did nothing illegal or that was against the code so I did nothing wrong," I replied "Anakin, we're leaving," and with that we walked out. 

I knocked on Aayla's door and when it opened she pulled me inside. "Why are you here?" she asked "I wanted to ask if you wanna visit Oola," I replied smiling "wait she's on Coruscant?" I nodded and Aayla hugged me "let's go!" she exclaimed and we ran out the temple like we were younglings again. 

We arrived and when we went inside the two girls immediately hugged each other. I couldn't help but smile at the scene, "hello," Shmi said as she rounded the corner "hello, how are you settling in?" I asked "well, and I forgot to thank you," she replied "Anakin has been worried about you so I decided it was okay if we did it," I said as the girls hugged. I saw Oola had changed out of her slave outfit, and I could see she was a lot happier. "Would you like to stay the night?" Shmi asked and we nodded "thank you," I said and went further into the apartment.

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