Chpt 9: Master VS Master. Padawan VS Padawan.

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Y/n's pov

I woke up and soon noticed I wasn't alone. I looked around until I saw Aayla sleeping next to me. "Morning," she mumbled as she stirred awake "morning," I replied smiling. I looked around and realised I was in her bed, "why did we sleep together?" I asked "because we can," Aayla said and we kissed.

We now found ourselves on a training balcony and were sparring, I was the clear superior duellist and was going easy. "Stop going easy!" Aayla snapped "you wouldn't be able to handle me going all out," I argued "I don't care!" she replied "I don't want to accidentally hurt you!" I exclaimed as I blocked a swing "you won't. I may be your girlfriend but I'm still a capable duellist!" she said "fine. But don't say I didn't warn you," I sighed. I activated my red lightsaber and within a split second her lightsaber hilt was on the ground on the opposite side of the room, she was on the ground and I had my foot on her stomach. "Padawans, good to see you sparring it is," we looked to the door and saw Qui-gon, Master Dooku, Master Yoda, and Quinlan "Da- Master Dooku, good to see you again," I said bowing "did you almost call me 'Dad'?" he asked putting a hand on my shoulder "maybe," I whispered "a spar we shall have, you and me Padawan, versus Master Dooku and Master Qui-gon," Master Yoda stated. I nodded as Aayla went towards the door "can they stay?" I asked "of course. If Aayla agrees," Quinlan replied and she nodded with a smile. 

I activated my purple lightsaber and the others activated their own. Master Dooku with a blue blade while Master Yoda and Qui-gon have green. "Begin," Quinlan said. Qui-gon charged at me and I blocked each one of his swings with ease, he was one of the few who could even begin to equal me. In form 4 at least. He suddenly jumped over me but I blocked before spin kicking him in the jaw, my boot collided with his jaw and I began to attack with ferocity. Using Vaapad I got him to the ground and his lightsaber in my hand, I looked at Master Yoda and Master Dooku who were still duelling. I charged and drop kicked Master Dooku before putting Qui-gon's lightsaber to his neck. But he wasn't done, he quickly began swinging again and I had to block. He was quick and swift, but so was I. As I blocked each one of his swing he knew what I was doing, waiting for the moment he messes up for me to strike. He has had a big involvement in my training so it makes sense he would know how I spar. When he finally mis-stepped I swung but he dodged at the last second and tripped me, he pointed his lightsaber to my neck. "You have lost my young friend," he said as I focused. I subtly reached through the force before lifting: Aayla's, Quinlan's, Master Yoda's, and my lightsabers before activating them all when they were pointed at him. He glanced behind him and saw the four lightsabers. But that was enough for me to let out a force shockwave and I spun as I got up and pointed the lightsabers in my hands at him, "six versus one, I think my odds are a little greater than yours," I said smirking "it looks like I was wrong you have won," he chuckled as the seven lightsabers deactivated and they all returned to their owners. 

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