Chpt 10: Kreia?

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Y/n's pov

"Padawan, reading what are you?" I looked up and saw Master Yoda "I'm reading about the Jedi Civil War," I said "a tragic event that was," he sighed "agreed, but this seems a little bias," I replied "the book," "bias it very well may be, but tell of the events it does," I nodded as I closed it.

I was now walking through the streets of Coruscant. I then noticed something out the corner of my eye. I looked towards it and walked over, I saw someone in a cloak and wearing my helmet.

I followed it until I came to a warehouse. I looked inside but saw no one. I walked inside and kept my guard up, "Y/n," I quickly turned and activated my lightsaber to see Darth Revan "why are you here?" I asked "how are you here?" "I mean you no harm, we are on the same side. Or more accurately... the same person," he replied and put two of his fingers to my forehead. Before I could react I fell unconscious.

When I woke up I looked around to see everything was... purple? "So, he returns," I spun around and saw a lady in a robe with her eyes covered by the hood? "who are you?" I growled "I am Kreia, but you may also know me as Traya, or Darth Traya. I was your master, in a previous life," she replied "but I see your aggression transferred over," "what are you saying?" I asked "you are the guardian of the force, you have had many lifetimes, as I mentioned, I trained you in one," she said "how do I know you're telling the truth?" I asked "what reason is there to lie?" Kreia replied "what reason is there to tell the truth?" I argued "there is no reason to do either. You are a myth to the galaxy. Tell me, where is your helmet?" she asked "in my quarters. Why am I here?" I asked "you have many questions, don't you? You always do. You are here to learn your most powerful ability, when using it you are given the power of every force sensitive in the galaxy, and the power of your past lives. A couple even being the grandmaster, I believe a few others were the sith emperor. Two being both," she stated "and who are these two?" I asked "Exar Kun, and Revan," Kreia replied.

As the training went on I was getting tired, but I also felt myself getting stronger. Within the force, physically, and mentally. Kreia was trying to push me past my limits, I knew that much. There wasn't a single moment I had to catch my breath.


After three hours, in real time, for me it was about ten years, I was far more muscular and had mastered almost every known force ability and power. I did know most of them already though. I surprisingly discovered many.

I opened my eyes and found I was tied up with a gag in my mouth. "You know, you jedi should really be more careful," I looked and saw someone who was clearly a bounty hunter, or someone of that nature, "these lightsabers of yours, it's amazing how easily they can kill something... or someone," they continued. I very easily got out of the rope and removed the gag, "you should use something better than rope," I said force pulling my lightsabers to my hands and activating them. Red and purple filled the room as I cut them in half.

I walked into the jedi temple and several people stared at me, which isn't surprising considering I was wearing something that could be considered sith related, and I was bulkier. "Padawan... what are you wearing?" Master Plo asked getting my attention "robes, not much else," I replied turning to him "I sense something has changed in you, is something wrong?" he asked "nothing is wrong, and nothing has changed Master Plo. Now if you excuse me I would like to go have some food," I said, he nodded and I walked away.

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