Author's note

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I just wanted to inform the reader that this book is primarily of the travel/adventure genre. Though at its core it's a love story, the male lead does not reveal himself until later in the book. 

I tried my best to research the Middle Eastern region, Arabic and Islam as thoroughly as necessary. I really hope I haven't offended anyone or have made any serious mistakes. For those of you who possess greater  knowledge than myself, feel free to inform me of any errors I have made.

For those who follow me, I would classify Sands of Redemption as my first ever completed book. I guess you could say it's been nine years in the making! I'd given up on it but have since been convinced to revive it. It is very different to my other stories, so don't be surprised if you have mixed feelings about it.

It's certainly been painstaking--but rewarding! 

Furthermore, just in case you are wondering, Abassa is not a real country. I made it up, though I constructed it based on my research of the region


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