Chapter 27 - Is A Friend Indeed 🥲

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✍🏻side note✍🏻 I made up the time frames at random, for the battle and time skips. There's no significance to them whatsoever :) V.T. = V'hiina Time.

✍🏻side note #2✍🏻 I hope I portrayed all the medical stuff correctly... and if I didn't, please feel free to let me know so I can correct the mistakes... research is so hard and exhausting these days idk why XD


- Ella



It was a bit drastic, what it would take for Talla to finally trust Crosshair with more than just his exceptional combat skills.vBut looking back now, after everything that had happened between them since the moment they met, everyone admitted it really couldn't have happened any other way, considering that a life-or-death situation is what it took for Crosshair in the first place.

I guess it was only natural it'd have to be the same for Talla.

During the battle, Talla found her place at the forefront with Hunter, Tech and Wrecker and Ahsoka. It was in accordance with their agreement that Crosshair was not too far behind his former nemesis.

Not that SHE really needed HIS HELP though, the woman was practically a kriffing Jedi.



The Clone Agents highly unusual, superhuman agility didn't go unnoticed by Master Plo.

When the entire strike team skulked around the mine shaft later on, Talla and Crosshair immediately noted the two vibrosword wielding, cortosis infused BX Commando Droids guarding the entrance that weren't there before. Obviously, the tactical droid running the mine realized their earlier snooping, the mines sensors apparently still active despite the previous days' destruction. You'd think it only be natural for one of the Jedi to handle the Commandos as opposed to an 'inexperienced clone trooper.'

Nope, Talla happily beat Ahsoka and Master Plo to the punch! And because of her eagerness for some action, Plo got to shrewdly observe this Special Agent Clone in action. She darted from their observation point, pulling out connected hilts strangely similar to lightsabers, and on each end extended purple sword blades into a vibro version of a saberstaff.

Plo's eyes narrowed in perturbed curiosity. He realized that her weapon and calculated technique not only highly mimicked Jedi lightsabers and lightsaber combat, but her aggressiveness, well, P lo noted that the whirlwind of her dual blades mimicked the style of the Jedi's very own Temple Guards. Yet that is where the similarities ended, her fighting style more like the aggressive seventh lightsaber form, Juyo. This type of form was a highly contradictory style that was strongly frowned upon, and even the modified version was not known by many, those choosing to use it having a high risk of turning to the dark side.

But considering she wasn't a Jedi, let alone a fallen Jedi, then how did SHE learn such similar lightsaber combat?

Even with these concerning 'Sith tendencies,' her sword fighting style was unique in its own way because of her enhanced strength, thus rendering the two BX Commandos to mere sparking scrap piles within seconds after engaging them.

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